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Notes 注釈 |
351 |
11/10/83 |
![]() 19831110_Exorcism.pdf |
New York NewsdayExorcising a Corporate Demon |
Shimano performs an exorcism of the TDK Corporation facility in Port Washington, New York. “But at TDK Corp., a series of misfortunes during the past few months has produced a superstitious fear among the 150 employees… And some believe the headquarters building is inhabited by demons.” “At yesterday’s ceremony, the priest said he was welcoming friendly spirits to take the place of evil forces clinging to the building and its land. As the smoke of burning incense swirled against the backdrop of TDK’s modern architecture, Eido T. Shimano, abbot of the Zen Studies Society in New York, ordered the 24 employees gathered about him to pray.” “ ‘Your mindfulness and intensity are critical to the purification,’ said the priest, his head freshly shaven and his body clad in layers of white and black robes. ‘Your intensity will erase bad memories.’ ” “Ordering the employees to repeat his words, to clap and bow to Buddha, Shimano faced the building as he looked to the heavens and chanted.” “Not all workers appreciated the event, which was nearly identical to a ceremony performed two years ago when the building first opened. ‘Can you believe they’re doing this?’ said one employee on the maintenance crew.” |
352 |
11/20/83 |
19831120_Shimano_Friends.pdf |
Letter from Shimano to "Dear Friends." |
Shimano (嶋野氏) announces moving out of the townhouse provided by Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Carlson.
"We hope this letter finds you in good health and fine spirit. This is to inform you that we have moved into a cooperative apartment across the street. Our new address is: 333 East 69th St. Apt.4K New York, NY 10021 Tel.# 212-772-7733 We hope we can see you soon again and hope that you will have a wonderful holiday season." "P.S. it goes without saying that New York Zendo and Dai Bosatsu Zendo are imperturbable." |
353 |
12/21/83 |
19831221_Shimano_Board.pdf |
Letter from Shimano to the ZSS Board of Directors. |
Shimano (嶋野) details machinations concerning the sale of the townhouse donated by Dorris Carlson. Dorris Carlson was the wife of Chester F. Carlson, the inventor of xerography.
"But the time has come for us to simplify our lives so that we don't have to worry about possible burglary while both of us are at Dai Bosatsu or elsewhere." Letter is signed by Eido and Yasuko and bears his chop (seal). |
354 |
12/21/83 |
19831221_ZSS_Board.pdf |
Minutes of ZSS Board of Trustees Meeting. |
“The chief purpose of the meeting was to amend the By-Laws of the Society pursuant to Section 615 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law. Korin Sylvan Busch stated that the Society's legal counsel, Jack Clareman, had been consulted on the proper procedure. He then moved that the By-Law Section 1. Officers: (a) be amended to read as follows:” "Section 1. Officers: (a) There shall be an Abbot, who shall serve as the spiritual leader of the organization and who shall serve as Chairman, ex officio, of the Board of Trustees and as a member, ex officio, of all committees of The Zen Studies Society, Inc. The Abbot shall be selected by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the directors and once selected shall continue to hold such office until his resignation, death or incapacity to continue to serve by reason of health, mental or physical. Upon resigning this office, the Abbot shall have the right to select his successor, who must, however, be approved by a two-thirds vote of the directors. In the event a successor shall not be so designated by the resigning Abbot, then the directors shall select the Abbot who must, however, be approved by the unanimous vote of the directors." “Eido Roshi then informed the meeting that the board for the cooperative apartment house located at 333 East 69 St. had accepted the Shimanos as buyers of an apartment, and they had subsequently moved from the townhouse at 356 East 69 St. He then read aloud an official letter dated December 21, 1983, addressed to The Zen Studies Society and signed by both Shimanos. The secretary was instructed to attach a copy of this letter to the minutes of the meeting. The letter expressed the Shimanos' gratitude to Dorris Carlson for the gift of the townhouse, which they had so enjoyed for many years, and made it clear that Dorris Carlson understood their desire to move, and had agreed to the sale of the townhouse, in September of 1983. The letter also stated that the net proceeds of the sale of the town-house will be kept at The Zen Studies Society and called The Carlson Fund; that the purchase price of the apartment was $160,000, which sum had been borrowed; that this debt will be paid off by proceeds from the sale of the townhouse; and that upon the Shimanos' demise or leavetaking, proceeds from the sale of the apartment will be returned to The Carlson Fund.” “Eido Roshi asked for the board's approval of the foregoing, and it was unanimously given.” “Bugyo proposed that vacations should be offered to the Shimanos by The Zen Studies Society, and this too was approved.” “Eido Roshi reported that plans were under discussion to go with a new insurance broker, a Japanese, and to combine all Zen Studies Society insurance under one policy.” “Attached please find a letter written by Dorris Carlson on October 21, 1974. This letter has two points: First, ‘When I gave funds for the purchase of the property at 356 East 67th Street, it was primarily to provide a ‘home’ and absolutely private atmosphere for Eido Roshi and his wife to take refuge in for rest and privacy.’ Second, ‘It is my wish that the property at 356 East 69th Street not be sold but that it be retained as the home of the Roshi and his wife alone.’ “ “Beginning with the first point, let me express our gratitude to Dorris Carlson and to the Board of Directors of The Zen Studies Society. During the past twelve years, Aiho (Yasuko) took care of the house very well. As you all know she created the beautiful atmosphere where many guests came, stayed, and enjoyed the visit. At the same time we were able to have the privacy which was very precious. But the time has come for us to simplify our lives so that we don’t have to worry about possible burglary while both of us are at Dai Bosatsu or elsewhere. Also, we are a little tired of the responsibility of maintaining and fixing pipes, roofs, etc.” “Hence, during the past few months we searched for an appropriate co-op for us to move to. By chance we found a small apartment across the street, and after two months of careful examination by their Board, we were luckily accepted. On November 17th the closing took place, and on November 23rd most of the furniture was moved in by the help of resident students of both zendos. So, Dorris' wish 'to provide a 'homey' and absolutely private atmosphere for Eido Roshi and his wife to take refuge in for rest and privacy’ has been assured, and we are very happy. Although, if there were another room we would be more contented.” “As for the second point, on September 19th, 12 noon (Chester Carlson's Memorial Day) I called Dorris and at the end of our conversation I mentioned our wish to move from the townhouse to a cooperative apartment. She understood our wish and agreed to the sale of the townhouse. I also mentioned to her at that time that when it is sold, the net worth will be kept at The Zen Studies Society and called the Carlson Fund. The interest will be used for various activities of The Zen Studies Society.” “The purchase price of this apartment (1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen) was $160,000. I borrowed $50,000 from Citibank and $100,000 from two friends. The old house is now on the market, and Aiho has shown it to 30-40 people already. Douglas-Elliman's real estate agent suggested an asking price of $850,000. But so far there is no settlement.” “When it is sold, I would like to ask The Zen Studies Society to extend to me $160,000 so I may repay the above mentioned loans which have been necessary to provide a suitable residence replacing the house to be sold. In turn, we will arrange in our will and with the executor of the will that the apartment is to be sold and the subsequent money to be returned to the Carlson Fund of The Zen Studies Society upon our demise. The law does not allow the apartment to be left directly to the Society. It will also specify that if one party dies and the survivor wishes to return to Japan, the apartment is to be sold and $160,000 be returned to the Carlson Fund of The Zen Studies Society, the balance of the sale to be considered the survivor's pension. It would also specify that the Carlson Fund of The Zen Studies Society would be responsible for the maintenance of the apartment (currently about $500) in the period between the demise of the owners and its sale.” “I hope that I have made our intentions clear and wish to thank you all for your understanding and cooperation. It goes without saying that we are most grateful to Dorris Carlson. Without her it would not have been possible for us to have had our personal privacy, and the two zendos would not have been established in the way they are today.” On learning of this Board Meeting, Dorris Carlson vehemently and directly contradicts the above: ‘You placed great emphasis (and total confidence) in the Roshi’s (老師) reported conversation with me on September 19, that I had agreed to the idea of selling the townhouse and therefore having done that, agreed to the whole scheme of things which ultimately provides for a significant benefit to the Roshi (老師) and his wife. September 19, as you know is the anniversary of Chester Carlson's passing. But it should not be the anniversary of a Roshi's [Shimano's 嶋野] deception. I did not approve of the plan that he ultimately announced in the December 21 letter.’ "Do not create a 'Carlson fund' as I will determine how the money shall be used in keeping with the original intentions I had in 1974. And further, under the present circumstances, I do not want the Carlson name used by the Zen Studies Society in any manner. I shall await the reply from the Board of Directors." [See entries for: 10/21/74, 02/08/84, 02/17/84, 02/29/84, 03/06/84, 03/13/84, 03/27/84, 06/00/98] |
355 |
12/21/83 |
19831221_ZSS_Exec_Comm.pdf |
ZSS Board of Trustees Resolution. |
Creation of Executive Committees for the Governing of the Zen Studies Society.
“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that beginning January 1, 1984 three executive committees will be created to direct the activities of the Zen Studies Society. The purpose of creating these committees is two fold. First is to affirm what has already taken place, namely that the Zen Studies Society has been operating - For a number of years as if three independent branches existed. The second purpose is to allow these branches to grow and mature independently of each other so that they may more fully realize their respective goals. THE PURPOSE AND DIRECTION OF EACH COMMITTEE: THE CARLSON FUND, created from the present Zen Studies Society account with the addition of the revenue obtained by the sale of the 69th street house, will support educational activities to promote the understanding and practice of Zen Buddhism in the Western World.” |
356 |
![]() 19840000_Blind Donkey.pdf |
Blind Donkey, the Newsletter of Honolulu Diamond Sangha. |
Final version of the undated draft article by Robert Aitken, Roshi.
“Baker Roshi had an affair with a resident student last spring” “Widespread stories of exploitation of students, particularly women, have been repeated about the abbot of the Zen Studies Society of New York for many years. Recently, the abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles spent five weeks in intensive treatment of alcoholism, a condition that reportedly accompanied a number of abuses of his authority.” “How with scandals about the teachers in these centers being made public, many people are asking, ‘How could So-and So do zazen for twenty or thirty years and still violate the spirit of the precepts in such a flagrant way?’ ‘Wasn't his character obvious to his teacher?’ ‘What does transmission of the Dharma mean, after all?’ I want to face these questions squarely.” “I think that it leads us back to zazen and to the old guidelines that have been neglected: the precepts, the paramitas, and the eight-fold path. It leads us to measures that will permit the Sangha to be responsible for its own governance. It leads us to establish forums that will guarantee open communication.” “This means taking care of ourselves and being forthright with our teachers. Our responsibilities also extend to our sisters and brothers who are suffering the trauma of betrayal.” (See entry of no date.) |
357 |
19840000_Aitken_ODP.pdf |
Excerpts from
“When Shimano's social relationships got him into trouble at the Koko An Zendo in Hawai'i in 1964, he felt obliged to move to New York. My own relationship with Soen Roshi fell apart at that point. He could not believe that Shimano's behavior was not just that of a 'young rascal.' Although we saw each other from time to time after that and remained on fairly cordial terms, I always felt that Soen Roshi blamed me to some extent for Shimano's failure to keep his commitments in Hawai'i.”
“Soen Roshi continued to be faithful to Eido Shimano over the years that followed. His initial belief that Shimano understood him and his imperative to find a successor with at least half an eye apparently kept his confidence unshaken, until the crisis created by allegations of sexual abuse at the New York Zen Studies Society erupted in 1975. Moreover, his confidence seemed renewed in some limited degree from time to time even after that, almost until the end of his life.” “Soen Roshi's loyalty to his disciple under trying circumstances can be compared with the action of his ancestor, Torei Zenji, who, I have heard, disowned and defrocked his successor for a major violation of trust in connection with the rebuilding of Ryutakuji after a fire. I sense that Torei felt the monk had violated the Dharma and that this betrayal was serious enough for him to set aside the tradition of personal loyalty to one's student. Otherwise, Torei's own teaching of accepting abuse could be called into question.” “From afar, I always wondered if Soen Roshi's extended private retreats in his later years were related to a sense of betrayal by Shimano. His life and his commitments must have seemed to him to be unfulfilled. All the time I knew him, zazen was the way he restored himself, and he believed in the power of one's own zazen to restore others. But zazen in retreat cannot influence others unless they are open to influence.” |
358 |
01/01/84 |
19840101_ZSS_Board_Report.pdf |
ZSS Board of Trustees Report. |
General non-specific report. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
359 |
01/21/84 |
19840121_Board_Shimano.pdf |
Letter from Korin Sylvan Busch as Board President, to the Shimanos. |
Board approves all points of Shimano's (嶋野) letter of 12/21/83. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
360 |
19840131_Savan_Aitken.pdf |
Letter from Leslie Savan to Robert Aitken. |
"I won't be writing the article on Eido Roshi (嶋野) I interviewed you for. After much research, I found the story, as pertinent in some ways as it might be, took place too long ago to make it timely for a newspaper." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
361 |
02/08/84 |
![]() 19840208_Carlson_Bankier.pdf |
Letter from Mrs. Chester F. Carlson to Jean Bankier. |
Response to letters from ZSS of 12/28/83 and 01/28/84. Mrs. Carlson points out numerous inaccuracies, makes clear her intentions. Dorris Carlson was the wife of Chester F. Carlson, the inventor of xerography.
"it was my wish that the property at 356 East 69th Street should not be sold" "It was never my intention to make a gift of $160,000 to the Roshi (老師)." "the proceeds of the sale should be returned to me, The Chester and Dorris Carlson Charitable Trust" "Very simply, I want it clearly understood that I do not authorize the sale of the property" "an atmosphere and behavior inconsistent with Zen teachings has taken place in and around The Zen Studies Society." (See her letter of 10/21/74 ) "Indeed, I do not share that same confidence in him [Shimano 嶋野] that I once did and this is because so many reliable sources have reported to me that the spiritual stature of the Zen Studies Society has been compromised over the years because of Eido Roshi's (嶋野)behavior." |
362 |
02/08/84 |
ミセス チェスター F. カールソンよりジーン バンキエへの手紙 |
私が考えていたことの一部として、これは私の希望ですが、356東69街の不動産は売却すべきものではなく、栄道老師と彼の妻の住居として保持すべきものでした。 私は老師へ16万ドルの贈り物をしたつもりは全くありません。もし、356東69街の不動産が売れたら(これは私の希望に反し、贈与の最初の目的ではない)この収益は私の贈り物に対する原案に従って処理すること、つまり、私、チェスター アンド ドリスカールソン慈善財団へ返済すべきです。この収益の一部たりとも、老師へ与える事は私の原案に反し、事実上此の結果、当初行われた贈与の立場も危うくするかもしれません。 の手紙で私は“栄道師の霊的崇高さに報いるという唯一の理由で私は惜しまずニューヨーク禅教団へ基金を与えます。彼の為でなかったら私はいささかの関心もないのです。”と述べました。実のところ、今ではあの時ような自信はなく、この変化の原因はといえば、信頼できる筋よりの報告によれば、栄道老師の長年にわたる不品行のため禅教団の霊的崇高さはすっかり失われてしまったからです。 |
363 |
02/17/84 |
![]() ![]() 19840217_Busch_Carlson.pdf |
Letter from Korin Sylvan Busch to Mrs. Chester F. Carlson. |
A litany of explanations.
“At the time of the Board's meeting we were gratified to note from the December 21st letter that in a conversation with the Roshi (嶋野) on September 19th, 1983, you had agreed to the idea of selling the townhouse. In view thereof, your letter of February 8th came as a complete surprise.” |
364 |
02/17/84 |
コリン シルヴァン ブッシュよりミセス チェスター F. カールソンへの手紙 |
”委員会が開かれた時、私達は貴女が、1983年9月19日、老師との会話で、タウンハウスを売る事に賛成なさったと解釈し、有り難くおもておりました。 2月8日の貴女の手紙は全く意外でした。” | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
365 |
[ Duplicate Entry ] 19821015_Aitken_Nakagawa.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Soen Nakagawa. |
"Mr. Zournas said that Dr. Ogura had agreed to conduct an investigation of the situation at Shoboji, and needed this background information."
"I furnished Dr. Ogura with the names and addressee of two of the three psychiatrists who treated the two women who had mental breakdowns in 1964. I gave him the name of the third psychiatrist who has moved away from Hawaii, doubtless he can find his address from a medical directory. I did not provide Dr. Ogura with any more information except to observe that Eido Rōshi's (嶋野 栄道) departure from Hawaii was directly linked to the breakdowns of the two women. I hear now that Dr. Ogura has not been able to proceed with the investigation for reasons connected to disorganization in the Zen Studies Society" |
366 |
02/29/84 |
19840229_Leddick_Busch.pdf |
Letter from Board Member David Leddick to Korin Sylvan Busch. |
Divvying up the money from the sale of the townhouse, investing.
"The Carlson fund could then pay the Roshi (嶋野) perhaps a salary of about $3,000 monthly, and the apartment maintenance of $500 monthly, and as we discussed perhaps it would be good to pay Aiho (愛法) [Yasuko Shimano (嶋野)] $500 or more monthly as the Zen Studies Society bookkeeper." "as a member of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of The Carlson Fund Committee I have some concern that the sale of the house and the use of the money be accepted by Mrs. Carlson" "And legal or not, I don't think we can ignore the difficulty we could be in should there be legal process with her [Mrs. Carlson's] wealth and power behind it." "she [Mrs. Carlson] could cause many problems if she is determined" "The Society's lawyer, Jack Clareman, told me today that he in fact has never seen any document relating to the original [Carlson] endowment" [Chester F. Carlson was the inventor of xerography.] |
367 |
03/00/84 |
19840300_Busch_Shimano.pdf |
Letter from Korin Sylvan Busch as Board President, to the Shimanos. |
"This memorandum is intended to confirm the understanding reached between you and the trustees of The Zen Studies Society" (concerning the disposition of the Townhouse issue.)
[Signature spaces are provided but this document is unsigned by the Shimanos (嶋野).] (See entry of 03/01/85) |
368 |
03/06/84 |
![]() ![]() 19840306_Carlson_Busch.pdf |
Letter from Mrs. Chester F. Carlson to Korin Sylvan Busch. |
Dorris Carlson was the wife of Chester F. Carlson, the inventor of xerography. "You placed great emphasis (and total confidence) in the Roshi’s (老師) reported conversation with me on September 19, that I had agreed to the idea of selling the townhouse and therefore having done that, agreed to the whole scheme of things which ultimately provides for a significant benefit to the Roshi (老師) and his wife. September 19, as you know is the anniversary of Chester Carlson's passing. But it should not be the anniversary of a Roshi's [Shimano's 嶋野] deception. I did not approve of the plan that he ultimately announced in the December 21 letter." "Do not create a 'Carlson fund' as I will determine how the money shall be used in keeping with the original intentions I had in 1974. And further, under the present circumstances, I do not want the Carlson name used by the Zen Studies Society in any manner. I shall await the reply from the Board of Directors." |
369 |
03/06/84 |
ミセス チェスター F. カールソンよりコリン シルヴァン ブッシュへの手紙 |
貴方は9月19日の老師によってつたえられた私との会話、つまり、私がタウンハウスを売ること、これにともなう一切の処理、そして此の結果老師と彼の妻は相当な利益を得ることになるという一連の取引に賛成したという報告を受けて、これを重用視(完全に信用して)おられるようです。9月19日 は貴方もご存知のように、チェスター カールソンの忌日です。 老師のペテンの記念日であってはならないのです。 私は12月21日の手紙で彼が最終案として告げてきた計画は認可しません。 1974年の初志を保つべく、どのように金を使うかは私が決定することで、勝ってに、カールソン財団を利用しないでください。 さらに、現状において、禅教団はカールソンの名を、いかなる状況においても使わないでください。 理事会からの返事を待っています。 |
370 371 |
Video produced circa 1999. Video produced circa 1999. |
The Carlson name is used extensively despite Dorris Carlson's express wishes,
"I do not want the Carlson name used by the Zen Studies Society in any manner." |
Chester F. Carlson graduated from Caltech 1930 with a degree in physics. He obtained employment at Bell Laboratories and went on to work for a patent attorney and for Mallory Battery company (now Duracell). At Mallory, he developed the concepts that were to serve as the basis for the electrophotography technique (xerography). By 1937, he filed his first patent; it was expanded and approved in 1942. (U.S. Patent 2,297,691) In October 1938, he successfully produced first xerographic copy. In 1944, Carlson was able to interest the Battelle Institute to work on developing a commercial application. Eventually, Haloid (later to become Xerox) was licensed to manufacture copy machines. The first ones came out in 1946. Chester Carlson died of a heart attack in 1968; at age 62. He donated much of his royalties to science, civil rights causes, paranormal investigation and world peace. His wife and widow, Dorris, continued his philanthropy through the Chester and Dorris Carlson Charitable Trust. She passed away in 1998 at age 94. (See prior entry and entry of 06/00/98) |
372 | 03/11/84 | VIDEO |
Soen Nakagawa Dies in Ryutakuji Bath House. | (See entry of 11/20/84) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
373 |
03/13/84 |
19840313_ZSS_Board.pdf |
Minutes of ZSS Board of Trustees Meeting. |
"Eido Roshi (嶋野) opened the meeting, saying that Nakagawa Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) had passed away Sunday, March 11." "In re the difficulties between himself and Dorris Carlson, Eido Roshi (嶋野) said that however the board decided to handle the matter would be agreeable to him. He then turned the meeting over to Korin Sylvan Busch." "Korin reviewed the correspondence with Dorris Carlson. He said her chief misapprehension seemed to be 1.) that Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) would be paid for the apartment at 333 East 69 St. and it would become his; 2.) that there would be a survivors' pension; and 3.) that a gift would be made to Aiho (愛法) --whereas it is the board's intention 1.) that the apartment be the official 'parsonage' and property of The Zen Studies Society; 2.) that there would be no material benefit to the Shimanos from the funds realized, and subsequently invested, from the sale; and 3.) that Aiho (愛法) be given not a gift (as was suggested at the meeting of December 21 and which our counsel has since advised would be illegal) but a modest salary for her ongoing work as treasurer for The Zen Studies Society and N.Y. Zendo." |
374 |
03/27/84 |
19840327_Busch_Carlson.pdf |
Letter from Korin Sylvan Busch to Mrs. Chester F. Carlson. |
“I’m sorry if my letter of February 17th was not sufficiently explicit about our legal intentions regarding the sale of our present parsonage, the townhouse.” “The Roshi’s (老師) and Yasuko’s tenure and relationship to the new apartment continues as it has in the townhouse, and if for any reason they vacate the apartment, being the property of the Society, we would be obliged to sell it. All proceeds from a sale would belong to the Zen Studies Society. There will be no so called ‘survivors pension’ or gift to anyone.” “I am sorry that you prefer us not to use the Carlson name, We will, of course, abide by your wishes although our intention was to honor Chester and yourself.” |
375 |
03/27/84 |
コリン シルヴァン ブッシュよりミセス チェスター F. カールソンへの手紙 |
”老師とやす子の保有権と新しいアパートメントとの関係は、これ迄のタウンハウスにおける関係と同様で、もし何らかの事情で彼らがアパートメントを立ち退くならば、私達はこのアパートメントの売却を余儀なくされるでしょう。 この売却によるすべての収益は禅スタデイ ソサイエテイのものとなります。 遺族への年金、贈呈なるものはありません。” ”以後私達は、カールソンの名前を使わないようにとの事、勿論その通りに致しますが、私達の目的は、チェスターと貴女自身の名誉のためなのです。 |
376 |
04/09/84 |
Public Record ZSS Townhouse - 356 East 69th Street, NYC, NY. |
"THE ZEN STUDIES SOCIETY INC., a New York Not-For-Profit corporation..." |
377 |
04/14/84 |
19840414_ZSS_Fin_Rpt.pdf |
ZSS Financial Report. |
"As shown in the April 10,1984 by our treasurer, Yasuko Shimano (嶋野), in the financial report on the sale of the house at 356 E. 69th St. $160,000.00 was transferred by check to Reverend Eido Shimano (嶋野), and the remaining $585,000.00 transferred by check: to the Zen Studies Society Endownent Fund account at the Marine Midland Bank." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
378 |
19840521_Shimano_Friend.pdf |
Sōen Nakagawa Death Announced by Shimano. |
Invitation to DBZ for burial ceremony.
(Sōen died 03/11/84) "His five Dharma heirs (all of them Japanese) were invited and attended, along with many others." "at this point I feel it is most proper if we consider Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) as the founder and Nyogen Senzaki (千崎如幻) as the 'karmic' founder." (See entry: Press Release of 10/19/82 ) "I want to invite you to participate in the creation of a memorial — called the Founders Fund" |
379 |
05/31/84 |
19840531_Leddick_Board.pdf |
Letter to Zen Studies Society Endowment Fund Committee from David Leddick. |
“the parsonage house was sold for $785,00.00. And after fees, taxes and commissions there was a balance of $735,599.00 This was placed in the Shearson AmEx account, and from this account $160,000.00 was refunded to Eido Roshi Shimano (嶋野 栄道) for expenses in purchasing another parsonage apartment.” “I think we must meet to discuss this situation immediately. It should be very clear that the Endowment Fund is not the Business Manager for the Zen Studies Society. It only is designed to provide income, not administrate it. And the administration of Society funds doesn't seem to be very realistically related to its income from the Endowment Fund.” |
380 |
![]() ![]() 19840716_Aitken_Br_David.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Brother David. |
"Here is a piece on Nakagawa Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) I put together for a memorial volume being edited by Elihu Gemyo Smith, now of San Diego. It has been vetted to avoid libel against the priest Shimano."
"I note with some discomfort that you are appearing on the same podium with Shimano (嶋野) at Naropa. Would you do this with a Christian priest with the same reputation?" |
381 |
07/16/84 |
19840716_DBZ_Stupa.pdf |
Sketches of Stone Memorial at DBZ Cemetery. |
Source undetermined. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
382 |
19840716_Baron_Yamada.pdf |
Letter from Brian Baron to Koun Yamada. |
"My concern is that I have heard from various sources that Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) had a very serious falling out with Eido Roshi (嶋野) during Soen Roshi's (中川 宋淵) last visit to New York, and that Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) may have disowned and renounced Eido Roshi (嶋野), thus invalidating Eido Roshi's (嶋野) claim to be a Dharma successor." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
383 |
19840803_Shepard_Baron.pdf |
Excerpts of Letter from Paul Shepard to Brian Baron. |
Excerpts of letter from Paul Shepard to Brian Baron as read to Anne Aitken over the phone.
"The critical point is whether or not Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) withdrew Inka." |
384 |
![]() 19840816_Aitken_Kyudo.pdf |
Handwritten (Draft?) Letter from Robert Aitken to Kyudo Nakagawa. |
Aitken writing from "Ring of Bone Zendo" in California.
"Eido Rōshi (嶋野 栄道) implies in his signed article in Four Seasons that Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) was alcoholic and demented in his last years." “At this time, there is a pervasive rumor that Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) withdrew and cancelled Eido Rōshi’s (嶋野 栄道) inka shomei shortly before he died.” "His meaning would also be that Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) was not responsible for his own actions and that therefore Sōen Rōshi's (中川 宋淵) withdrawing his inka should be disregarded." |
385 |
Video produced circa 2003. |
Sōen Nakagawa Rōshi Behavior. |
Harry McCormick talking with Shimano (嶋野) about Sōen Nakagawa, Rōshi (中川 宋淵) at New York Zendo Shoboji garden zendo. |
386 |
19840817_Aitken_Sochu.pdf |
Handwritten Letter (Draft?) from Robert Aitken to Sochu Suzuki. |
"I have written to Yamada Rōshi (山田 無文) about public statements that Eldo Rōshi (嶋野 栄道) is making about Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵), and sent him copies of those statements."
"In brief, these statements are to the effect that in his last years Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) was an alcoholic and not in his right mind; " "As you know, Zen Buddhism has fallen into disrepute in the United States, with many scandals at various centers, beginning at the New York Zen Studies Society." |
387 |
19840817_Aitken_Yamada.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Koun Yamada. |
"Did or did not Sōen Rōshi (中川 宋淵) withdraw Shimano's (嶋野) Inka Shomei? There is a pervasive rumor that he did but I cannot verify it."
"I am not emotionally involved in this issue; I dismissed Shimano (嶋野) from my mind many years ago. However, as a Zen leader, it is my responsibility to know the facts in such an important matter, particularly in view of the general problem of scandals in Zen centers in this country." "The various scandals have affected many people, resulting in emotional disturbance, even mental collapse in some cases." |
388 |
![]() ![]() 19841120_Aitken_Kiefer.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Rosemary Kiefer. |
This document questions the acceptance of Shimano's (嶋野) transmission in Japan.
"At the funeral for Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵), Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) was shown to a seat in a section for other former monks of Ryutakuji (龍沢寺) but not, to a seat in a section for Dharma heirs of Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) and other Roshis. I was told that this was a clear signal that he is not considered a Roshi (老師) by his Japanese colleagues." "Eido Shimano was given a portion of Soen Roshi's (中川 宋淵) ashes to take with him back to the United States. I was told that this was not intended in any way as an endorsement of Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) and his work, but rather a recognition of the deep investment in transmitting Zen to the West which Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) made over many decades." "Eido Shimano requested a kesa of Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) and this request was denied. However, it seems that he returned to the United States with one of Soen Roshi's (中川 宋淵) white robes." "So, any transmission given to Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) by Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) was informal, and any withdrawal of that transmission would also have been informal. Neither action was ever mentioned at Ryutakuji (龍沢寺) by Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵). Confirmation of the rumor that the informal transmission was withdrawn should thus be made in New York." |
389 |
11/20/84 |
ロバート エイトケン よりローズマリー キーフアー宛の書簡 |
そうえん老師の葬式に島野栄道は龍沢寺の往時の僧たちの席を与えられ正式な法継者や他の老師方の席はあたえられなかった。聞くところによればこれは日本においては老師と見なされていないはっきりした証拠であるとのことであります 島野栄道はそうえん老師の遺骨の1部を頂きアメリカへ持ち帰りました。聞く所によれば、これは島野栄道に対する是認でも、彼の功績をたたえるものでもなく、そうえん老師自身の長年の大菩薩禅堂との関わりは老師にとって思いで深い大切な禅堂なので、遺骨をここにおさめたいとの希望のためだということです。 島野栄道はそうえん老師の袈裟を要求したが退けられました。しかしそうえん老師の白い着物をアメリカへ持ち帰ったそうです。 という訳で島野栄道がそうえん老師より授けられた伝法は非公式、伝法の撤回も非公式です。龍沢寺においてそうえん老師によってなされた一切の言動も非公式というわけです。流言を実証するのですが非公式の伝法はニューヨークでも撤回が行われるべきでしょう。 |
390 |
11/20/84 |
Brief von Robert Aitken an Rosemary Kiefer. |
Dieses Dokument stellt die Anerkennung der Dharma-Übertragung Shimanos (嶋野) seitens der Japaner in Frage. Bei der Beerdigung von Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) wurde Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) zu einem Sitzplatz geführt, der sich in einem Teil für andere ehemalige Mönche Ryutakujis (龍沢寺) befand und nicht zu einem Sitzplatz in einem Teil für Dharma-Nachfolger Soen Roshis (中川 宋淵) und andere Roshis. Mir wurde gesagt, dass dies ein klares Signal war, dass er von seinen japanischen Kollegen nicht als Roshi (老師) betrachtet wird. Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) wurde ein Teil der Asche Soen Roshis (中川 宋淵) gegeben, um sie mit sich zurück in die Vereinigten Staaten zu bringen. Mir wurde gesagt, dass dies in keiner Weise als Billigung Eido Shimanos (嶋野 栄道) oder seiner Arbeit gemeint war, sondern als Anerkennung des tiefen Engagements Soen Roshis (中川 宋淵) über mehrere Jahrzehnte, den Dharma in den Westen zu übertragen. Der Eindruck wurde geäußert, dass das Daibosatsu Center sehr bedeutsam für Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) war und dass er möglicherweise froh ist, dass ein Teil seiner Asche dort beigelegt ist. Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) hat um einen Kesa Soen Roshis (中川 宋淵) gebeten, und diese Bitte wurde verweigert. Es scheint jedoch, als ob er mit einer von Soen Roshis (中川 宋淵) weißen Roben in die Vereinigten Staaten zurückgekehrt sei. Eine etwaige Dharma-Übertragung an Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) durch Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) war also informell und eine etwaige Zurücknahme dieser Übertragung wäre ebenfalls informell gewesen. Weder die eine noch die andere Tat wurde jemals von Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) im Ryutakuji (龍沢寺) erwähnt. Eine Bestätigung des Gerüchts, dass die informelle Übertragung zurückgezogen wurde, sollte dementsprechend in New York gemacht werden. |
391 |
12/18/84 |
19841218_ZSS_Board.pdf |
Minutes of ZSS Board of Trustees Meeting. |
NY Zendo Committee mentioned. “He [Genro Lee Milton] stated that the 11 members of the NYZ committee had been elected by the sangha, since which time two members have dropped out. After some discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved that the NYZ committee should be and was empowered to retain the members now serving on the committee and to fill vacancies as they occur without consulting the sangha.” Zen Arts profit: $6,441.11 “He [Bugyo David Schnyer] said that there has been a decrease in kessei, workshop and sesshin attendance; and no logging was done last year.” “Stating that the new gatekeeper [Jim Woolcott] had proved to be very satisfactory, Mr. Schnyer requested approval by the board to offer him a five-year lease. This approval was unanimously granted.” “Mr. Spitz stated his opinion that the board should have been given an opportunity to discuss the sale of the first apartment and the purchase of a second apartment. Mr. Leddick said that henceforth copies of memorandums concerning the ZSS Endowment Fund will be circulated to board members.” “For the ZSS -Endowment Fund, Mr. Leddick reviewed the financial consequences of the sale of the parsonage house at 269 [actually 356] East 69 St., the purchase of the parsonage apartment 4K at 333 East 69 St., and the investment of profits to provide interest income. He stated that expenses occurring in connection with the death of Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) had required the redemption of some holdings. Recently, an opportunity had arisen to purchase a more suitable parsonage apartment 3J at 333 East 69 St., for $385,000, necessitating a further redemption of notes. The first parsonage apartment, 4K, had been put up for sale, and a serious offer to buy it for $190,000 had been received and accepted. After payment of a broker's fee, $178,600 will remain to be invested as before.” |
392 |
12/20/84 |
19841220_ZSS_Endowment.pdf |
Letter from Board Member David Leddick to The Zen Studies Society Endowment Fund Committee. |
"A fuller replacement of my report of Dec. 17" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
393 |
03/01/85 |
19850301_Busch_Shimano.pdf |
Letter from Korin Sylvan Busch as Board President, to the Shimanos. Signed Apartment Ownership Document. |
"Reference is made to the letter between you and Sylvan Busch dated March, 1984 (the 'Parsonage Agreement')" (Concerning the disposition of the Townhouse issue.) Apartment 3J purchased. “The capital stock and the proprietary lease covering the apartment will be In the individual names of you and your wife, it is understood that The Zen Studies Society shall be decreed the actual owner of the apartment.” “The Zen Studies Society shall have the right to offer the apartment for sale by you and your wife or by your wife alone should you predecease her, when you and your wife vacate it.” “The net proceeds derived from the sale of apartment shall become the sole property of The Zen Studies Society.” This document is signed by the Shimanos (嶋野).
(See entry of 03/00/84) |
394 |
03/12/85 |
19850312_Apt4K_Report.pdf |
ZSS Townhouse Parsonage Sale Report. |
Apartement 4-K sale Financial Report.
Listed under sale expenses: "Kongoji Car ..................... $ 18,000.00" |
395 |
07/04/85 |
19850704_ZSS_Board.pdf |
Minutes of a Special ZSS Board of Trustees Meeting. |
Discussion of the 10th Anniversary celebration at DBZ. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
396 |
19851130_Shimano_Schnyer_Friends.pdf | Letter from Shimano & Bugyo David Schnyer to "Dear Friends." | A fundraising letter for memberships, tenth anniversary and renovation of Guest House to Inn and Cultural Center. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
397 |
![]() 19860000_DBZ_Brochure.pdf |
DBZ Publicity Brochure 1986. |
“As a new monk, I did not know why Nyogen Senzaki (千崎 如幻) had come to Japan. I did not even know who he was.” "Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-Ji was formally dedicated on July 4, 1976, America's Bicentennial. From the start it has been a lay monastery dedicated to the vital tradition of Rinzai Zen." “..again at the request of his teacher that he teach in America-he arrived in Hawaii in 1960. He studied at the University of Hawaii and led a small group of students who practiced Zen. He wondered if he should proceed to Los Angeles or return to Japan; he did not feel confident that Nyogen Senzaki's (千崎 如幻) students would find him adequate. Some friends encouraged him to come to New York; he arrived in New York in 1964. “Master Hakuin, exhorting his students in seventeenth century Japan, said, "There are two kinds of bodhisattvas: some transmit the Buddha Dharma, others protect the Buddha Dharma …When they are not in harmony, the Dharma light will not shine brightly. Transmission of the Dharma and protection of the Dharma are equally important." “Dai Bosatsu Zendo was created as a lay monastery, receptive to the spiritual needs of those who find in Zen a congenial practice. To fulfill this function, Dai Bosatsu Zendo must continue its tradition of a strong practice even as it seeks to participate in the culture of America.” “Dai Bosatsu Zendo has been entrusted with the care of the writings and calligraphy of Zen teachers whose lives are connected with our history. The manuscripts of Nyogen Senzaki (千崎 如幻), the calligraphy of Hakuin Zenji (白隠 慧鶴), Gempo Roshi (山本玄峰), Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲) and Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵), the documents and records pertinent to the beginnings of Dai Bosatsu Zendo, are stored today in boxes and files. We plan to create an Archives within the monastery building where the public, as well as scholars, can have access to them.” “It was the beginning of a deep bond that included, in time, one of Soen Roshi's (中川 宋淵) students, Eido Tai Shimano (嶋野 栄道). When Nyogen Senzaki (千崎 如幻) visited Japan in 1956-his only homecoming in more than half a century-it was to return a visit Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) had made to Los Angeles in 1949.” |
398 |
01/21/86 |
19860121_ZSS_Board.pdf |
Minutes of ZSS Board of Trustees Annual Meeting. |
"The chief purpose of the meeting was a discussion of the 10th Anniversary observances for Dai Bosatsu Zendo."
“Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) said that Sasaki Roshi (佐々木承周) of Los Angeles and the Reverend Takabayashi of Seattle will attend sesshin full-time; and that Trungpa Rinpoche plans to attend the ending ceremony.” (Genki Takabayashi is not referred to as "Roshi" (老師)) |
399 |
01/27/86 |
19860127_Schnyer_Shimano.pdf |
Letter from Bugyo David Schnyer to Shimano, copied to the ZSS Board of Directors. |
Bugyo David Schnyer (Shimano's (嶋野) Head Monk and Board Member) informs Shimano (嶋野) he refuses to attend the 10th Anniversary Sesshin and Ceremonies.
"I find your recent decision to expend 30-40 thousand dollars to celebrate the 10th Anniversary, nearly 20 thousand of which will go to gifts, an unnecessary extravagance." "Furthermore, the fact that you declared this to the Board without even speaking with or getting the approval of the Committee Chairman and Treasurer makes the action not only dishonest and improper but also illegal." "What perhaps bothers me the most about this action Roshi (老師) is the fact that you really consider me stupid. I may not be wise but I am not stupid and actions of this sort only destroy the 'relationship' we are supposed to have." "For a long time now I have known that the words honesty and personal integrity mean nothing to you, but for me they shine brightly in my heart as a guiding star and I will follow it until I die." |
400 |
02/11/86 |
19860211_ZSS_Board.pdf |
Minutes of special ZSS Board of Trustees Meeting. |
10th Anniversary Celebration at DBZ. “..the frustrations attendant to 'scraping along' on a low and unpredictable income. In view of DBZ as long-range needs, he argued that $30,000 should not be expended on the 10th Anniversary but rather $10,000.” "the fund-raising drive Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) and he had launched in the fall (an example of which is the brochure published largely for corporate targets) had been dropped in favor of fund-raising specifically for the 10th Anniversary, and that this would weaken the longrange effort." "..it was concluded that 1.) funds for the 10th Anniversary will be targeted at $10,000; and 2.) the original Roshi/Schnyer fund-raising drive will be strongly continued and will incorporate the 10th Anniversary effort in which Bernard Spitz and Richard Rudin are specifically involved." |