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101 |
10/00/64 |
Carta manuscrita de Dokai Fukui a Robert Aitken |
“Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲) me envió una carta en la que me dice que este asunto le atemoriza. Por ello, debo conocerlo detalladamente. Y también para reportárselo a Nagakawa Roshi (中川 宋淵) .” |
102 |
19641001_Conway_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Margaret Conway to Robert Aitken. |
Art school. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
103 |
10/01/64 |
Carta manuscrita de Margaret Conway a Robert Aitken |
Escuela de arte. |
104 |
19641010_Yasutani_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Hakuun Yasutani to Robert Aitken. |
“On Nov. 9 I met Mr. Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) and we had lots of talk. Among our talk the most important matter was the fact that Mr. Shimano (嶋野氏) has made his decision that he is going to leave Honolulu. He did not mention much in details about the reason for his leaving Honolulu and going to move to the mainland. He said that he had told you about his decision. This decision is entirely depending on his free will and I cannot say anything about his decision. I asked him if he was going to quit Univ. of Hawaii and he answered that he was going to give up his scholarship too.” "In zen it is very important to help ordinary people (Koji) [laymen -(居士)] for their zen. However it is more important to bring up (or make) a successor to be a zen leader.” |
105 |
10/10/64 |
Carta manuscrita de Yasutani Roshi a Robert Aitken |
“El 9 de noviembre me reuní con el señor Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) y platicamos largamente. En nuestra charla, el tópico más importante fue el hecho de que había decidido no regresar a Honolulú. No profundizó mucho en sus razones para emigrar de ahí al continente. Me dijo que ya le había informado de su decisión, la cual depende por completo de su voluntad y por ello, yo no debo intervenir. Le pregunté si iba a dejar de asistir a la Universidad de Hawái y me contestó que también iba a renunciar a la beca.” “En el zen es importante ayudar a la gente ordinaria (koji) [legos -(居士)] en su zen. Sin embargo, es más importante educar, o hacer, a un sucesor como líder zen.” |
106 |
19641012R_Aitken_Nakagawa.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Soen Nakagawa. |
REDACTED The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document. "Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] appeared unexpecdly at our door last night. He is on his way to Japan, and will sail with Kai San [Dokai Fukui] on the Wilson. His principal purpose in calling on us seemed to be to tell us that our plan to have a special meeting of our zazenkai with Kai San would have to be cancelled. He said that our arrangement by letter with Kai San was really a misunderstanding (though when I looked up the corresponence in my files, I found that my invitation and Kai San's acceptance are entirely clear)." "[Redacted] has been released a second time from the hospital, and now seems a little better." "Kai San wants to know all the details, but I will tell him only what he already knows and nothing more." "none of our present attenders even knows that there has been any trouble." "Aparently Tai San (嶋野) is telling people that the trouble in Hawaii is between old members and me, of all things." "Aparently Tai San (嶋野) told Kai San that the three ladies would not come to any meeting with Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲) if I were here, and Kai San was worried that this would cause trouble." "I did not realize that Tai San (嶋野) was using such a lame story about a group controversy as a smoke screen for his own activities." |
107 |
10/12/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Soen Nagakawa |
EDITADO “Pero, sin esperarlo, anoche Tai San llegó a nuestra puerta. Va camino de Japón y viajará con Kai San en el President Wilson. Su motivo principal para visitarnos era darnos a conocer que se cancelaba la reunión especial del zazenkai con Kai San. Dijo que nuestro arreglo vía epistolar era un malentendido, aunque, al revisar mis archivos, en la correspondencia mi invitación y la aceptación de Kai San no dan lugar a dudas.” “Por segunda vez, XXXXX fue dada de alta del hospital y parece estar mejor.” “Kai San desea conocer todos los detalles, pero sólo le diré lo que ya sabe y nada más.” “De los asistentes actuales, nadie sabe de la existencia de problemas.” “Ahora resulta que Tai San le ha contado a todo mundo que los problemas en Hawái se suscitaron entre los miembros antiguos y yo.” “Parece ser que Tai San le dijo a Kai San que las tres señoras no vendrían cuando Yasutani Roshi nos visitase si yo estaba por aquí y se preocupó por los problemas que pudieran suscitarse de ser así.” “No me di cuenta que Tai San utilizaba una excusa tan pueril (diferencias en el grupo) como cortina de humo de sus propias actividades.” |
108 |
![]() ![]() 19641013_Aitken_Yasutani.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Hakuun Yasutani. |
"Today the President Wilson, the American President steamship, arrived with Kai San [Dokai Fukui] on board. He and I had arraged to meet, and to have a special zazenkai meeting with him this evening. However, to our astonishment, Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] suddenly appeared at our door Saturday evening. His principal purpose in coming seamed to be to tell us that he was returning to Japan with Kai San on the Wilson, and that he would be spending the day with Kai San after 12:00 o'clock noon, and that we would have to cancel our meeting. You may imagine our disappointment, as we had printed special invitations and sent them to our 25 current members, and we felt the gathering would be important in establishing Dharma relationships with an excellent Zen monk." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
109 |
10/13/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Haku’un Yasutani |
“El día de hoy llegó el President Wilson, nave de vapor nombrado así por el presidente norteamericano; a bordo venía Kai San [Dokai Fukui] . Él y yo habíamos convenido en reunirnos y tener esta noche una reunión especial del zazenkai con él. Para nuestro enorme asombro, Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] se presentó a nuestra puerta la tarde del sábado con el propósito de informarnos que regresaría a Japón en el Wilson con Kai San y que, después de las 12, pasaría con él el resto del día, por lo que teníamos que cancelar nuestra reunión. Podrá imaginarse usted nuestra desilusión: habríamos imprimido y enviado invitaciones especiales para los 25 miembros con que actualmente contamos y creíamos que la reunión sería significativa para establecer relaciones Dharma con un excelente monje Zen.” |
110 |
10/13/64 |
ロバート エイトケンより安谷白雲への手紙 |
“今日、プレジデント ウィルソン号、アメリカンプレジデント(船の種類)の汽船でかいさん(福井どうかい)が到着しました。 彼と私は今夜、特別の坐禅会を開く予定でした。 しかし、まさに驚くべき事には、タイさん(島野)が土曜日の夜突然に、私の家の門前に現れたのです。 彼の訪問の主な目的は、かいさんと共にウィルソン号に乗船して日本へ帰る事を連絡するためで、12時、正午以降は、
かいさんと共に過ごす予定の事、そのため私達は集会を中止しなければなりませんでした。 貴方に、私達の失望がお分かりになるでしょうか? 私達は既に、25人のメンバー宛に招待状を印刷して送っており、この集会は、私達に取って、優れた禅僧との仏縁を築くための非常に大切な機会だったのです。 |
111 |
19641025R_Aitken_Fukui.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Dokai Fukui. |
REDACTED The names of survivors have been redacted from this document. "Please don't feel sorry about or cancellation of the special zazenkai on the 13th. Although everyone was disappointed, it is forgotten by now, and we are enjoying very good attendance." During the four years that Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] has been 'resident monk' of Koko An (此処庵), he has been absent on trips over 30% of the time. During these extended absences, our meetings have been conducted as usual, and this time is no different." "Anne joins me in sending fond Aloha. We are extending your regards to Dick, [redacted] and [redacted], also to Jerry, whom you met briefly on the porch." |
112 |
10/25/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Dokai Fukui |
EDITADO “Por favor, no se sienta incómodo por la cancelación de la reunión para el 13 de este mes del zazenkai. Aun cuando todos nos desilusionamos, para hoy ya está olvidado y la asistencia es muy buena.” “El 30% de los cuatro años en que Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] fue “monje residente” en Koko An (此処庵), estuvo ausente por viajes; durante estas ausencias los miembros se comportaron como siempre y esta vez no ha sido la excepción.” “Anne se une a mí para enviarle un cordial Aloha. Vamos a participar sus saludos a Dick, a editado y a editado, así como a Jerry, a quien alcanzó a conocer en el corredor.” |
113 |
19641029R_Aitken_Nakagawa.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Soen Nakagawa. |
REDACTED The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document. "By now you have had a good chance to talk to Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] and Kai San [Dokai Fukui] in the cool air of autumn at Ryutakuji (龍沢寺). I do not press you for any sort of decision, but simply report on the progress of your intimate friends here in Hawaii." "The big news is that [redacted] is returning to work, at the same job she had when she became sick last April, a nurse in a convalescent home. She is quite unsure of her ability to make a success of it, and privately Anne and I have some doubts, but it is a big step for her to accept the position, renew her nurse's license, get her chest x-ray, and so on. If she can't hold the job, it will not be long before she finds another and is able to keep it. She is no longer taking medication, and is being transferred from out-patient status at the State Hospital to a similar status at a mental health clinic here in town (which means she is finally discharged from the State Hospital). She continues to live with us, and to be our treasure and joy." |
114 |
10/29/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Soen Nakagawa |
EDITADO “Para estos momentos, ha tenido usted bastantes oportunidades de hablar con Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] y con Kai San [Dokai Fukui], en el fresco aire otoñal de Ryutakuji (龍沢寺) . No es mi intención presionarle de ninguna manera, sino que le comunico el avance de sus cercanos amigos de Hawái.” “La mejor noticia es que [editado ]regresa a trabajar en lo mismo que hacía, enfermera de una casa de convalecencia, en abril pasado, cuando enfermó. Está sumamente insegura acerca del éxito de sus esfuerzos, pero es un gran paso el que haya aceptado el puesto, que haya renovado su licencia, se haya tomado placas del pecho, etc.. Anne y yo también tenemos nuestras reservas. Si no puede conservar ese empleo, no tardará mucho en conseguir otro que sí pueda mantener. Ya no está bajo medicación y ha sido transferida de paciente ambulatorio en el State Hospital a una categoría similar en una clínica local. Esto significa que por fin ha sido dada de alta ese hospital. Sigue viviendo con nosotros y siendo nuestra joya y nuestro deleite. |
115 |
10/29/64 |
ロバート エイトケンより中川僧淵への手紙。 |
“大きなニュースは、 (削減)が、病気になる前に看護婦として働いていた、回復期の患者のための、保養所に復職した事です。 彼女はまだ、この復帰に成功するかどうか自信がなく、実は、内心では、アンと私も少し疑問を抱いているのですが、彼女にとって、看護婦の資格を更新し、胸のレントゲン写真を取り、様々な手続きを経て、前の地位に戻る事は非常に大きなステップなのです。 もし、彼女がこの仕事を続ける事が出来なければ、遠からず他の、彼女の状態にふさわしい職をみつけることになるでしょう。 彼女は、既に、薬を使用しておらず、街の精神科診療所に匹敵する、州立病院の外来患者用の医院へ通っています。 (これは彼女が、ようやく、州立病院を退院したということです。) 彼女は引き続き私達と共に住みますが、私達は彼女を愛し、これは私達の喜びでもあるのです。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
116 |
19641115_Fukui_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Dokai Fukui to Robert Aitken. |
“Unfortunately Roshi [Yasutani 安谷 白雲 ] is going to cancel to remove to Hawaii.” “But the absence of Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] is surely big problem for Roshi because he cannot work effectively any more without Tai San’s (嶋野) assistance. Please understand this point and do not have a bad feeling of Roshi as well as Tai San (嶋野).” “I feel very sad to you for your tremendous efforts to build Roshi’s house and arrange everything for him.” “Please forgive me and please understand our condition friendly.” “Tai San’s (嶋野) departure is surely very ungrateful thing I’m sure he’s regretting about his action. But after all ‘thing has done.’ We cannot draw back it against the flow of time. Please forgive and forget everything and help the same friendly atmosphere as before.” |
117 |
11/15/64 |
Carta manuscrita de Dokai Fukui a Robert Aitken |
1. “Lamentablemente, el Roshi [Yasutani 安谷 白雲 ] va a cancelar sus planes de mudarse a Hawái” “Pero tal ausencia parece ser de importancia para el Roshi porque ya no le es posible trabajar eficientemente sin la asistencia de Tai San (嶋野) .Por favor, comprendan bien este punto y no piensen mal de Tai San (嶋野) ni del Roshi.” “Me entristece enormemente el esfuerzo de ustedes por construir la casa del Roshi y por todos los demás arreglos, pero las condiciones cambiaron.” “Por favor, compréndanme y consideren amistosamente la situación.” “La partida de Tai San (嶋野) es algo muy ingrato, con toda seguridad. Tengo la certeza de que él lo lamenta, también. “Pero, después de todo, “la cosa ya se hizo”. No es posible que vayamos en contra del sentido del tiempo.” “Por favor, perdonen y olviden todo y prosigan con la misma atmósfera amistosa de siempre.” |
118 |
11/15/64 |
福井どうかいより、ロバート エイトケン宛の手書きによる手紙。 |
”しかし、タイさんの不在は老師にとって本当に大きな問題なのです。 なぜなら、老師はタイさん(島野)の援助なしには効果的に仕事が出来ないからです。 どうか、この点を理解して、老師に対し、又、タイさんに対しても悪感情を抱かないでほしいのです。” ”老師を迎える為に、大変な苦労をして家を建てたり、様々な準備を整えた貴方の労を思うと私は悲しくなります。” ”どうか私を許し、どうか私達の事情を友好的に解釈して下さい。” ”タイさんの背反は、絶対に忘恩的で、おそらく彼も、自分の行為を悔いていると思います。” ”しかし、すべての事は ’済んでしまった事’ です。 過ぎた事をやり直す事は出来ません。” ”どうか、すべてを許し、忘れ、これまでのような友好的な雰囲気を保つよう努力して下さい。” |
119 |
19641121_Aitken_Fukui.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Dokai Fukui. |
"I have not mentioned your news to our group, and don’t know how to announce it. Somehow I will have to makeup a story that will not reflect bad on him and upon Zen in general.” "Many people on the Mainland, and a few even in Europe and South America have sent money to help with the retreat project at Pupukea. What can I say?” "As time goes on, it becomes quite clear that Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] cannot return to Koko An (此処庵). If we had any doubts about this, they were dispelled during his recent stop-over in Honolulu.” |
120 |
11/21/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Dokai Fukui |
Xxx |
121 | 11/29/64 | VIDEO |
Shimano Marries Yasuko Tsubota. | (See entries of 08/12/64 and 08/05/65) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
122 |
19641211_Fukui_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Dokai Fukui to Robert Aitken. |
“I heard from Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) that he persuaded Mr. Sekida to go to Hawaii.” | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
123 |
19641219_Aitken_Fukui.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Dokai Fukui. |
“We were very interested to hear of Soen Roshi’s (中川 宋淵) plan for Sekida San [Katsuki Sekida] to come to Hawaii. I have written to Roshi about this. I am feeling uncertain about our Zazenkai that the thought of introducing someone new makes me quite uneasy. I hope that Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) himself may come at the end of January for sesshin here.” “We have translated Yasutani Roshi's (安谷 白雲 ) letter at last. He says nothing about his translation work with Tai San, [Shimano 嶋野 ] but rather says that Tai San (嶋野) is his only chance for a good successor, so he must follow Tai San (嶋野) and not come to Hawaii. He says that of course it is his responsibility to teach ordinary laymen, but his first job is to train a good teacher. You may imagine our reaction to this.” I still don't know how to announce the change to our Zazenkai and how to write it in the Diamond Sangha. I have written to Tai San (嶋野) seeking his advice. I need all the help I can get in this matter. The wrong presentation could harm the Dharma, and could give both Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) and Tai San (嶋野 栄道) a bad reputation.” |
124 |
12/19/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Dokai Fukui |
1. “Nos interesó mucho saber de los planes de Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) para que Sekida San [Katsuki Sekida] venga a Hawái. Ya escribí al Roshi (中川 宋淵) sobre ese asunto. Me siento tan inseguro de nuestro zazenkai que me intranquiliza el mero pensar en presentarles a alguien. Espero que Soen Roshi pueda venir para el sesshin de fines de enero.” |
125 |
![]() ![]() 19641219R_Aitken_Nakagawa.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Soen Nakagawa. |
REDACTED The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document. “Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) has written to us of his decision not to come to Hawaii.” “We have answered him and have also written to Tai San [Shimano 嶋野 ] requesting their help with the story about his decision to be printed in the next issue of Diamond Sangha. As you may imagine, we half-expected the Roshi to change his mind in this way. His reasons for his decision were, however, a great surprise and a great disappointment.” “How can I trust things not to change again suddenly, and leave me exposed once more? I feel very uneasy about our Zazenkai. I keep a cheerful face and try to encourage the members, but I am filled with doubts. As Yasutani Roshi says, we are only laymen. Just ippan no koji. Our teachers are concerned primarily with developing one or two successors. What chance do the rest of us have?” “We are all of us well, and Anne and I pretend not to think of the calamity which has struck us. [Redacted] was not able to hold her job, but she is still with us and has not had to return to the hospital. She is taking a few art and music classes.” |
126 |
12/19/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Nakagawa Soen |
EDITADO “Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) nos escribió sobre su decisión de no venir a Hawái.” “Ya le contestamos, así como también escribimos a Tai San [Shimano 嶋野 ] para solicitar su ayuda con la historia referente a esta decisión y que saldrá impresa en el siguiente número de Diamond Sangha. Se imaginará usted que, aunque ya esperábamos que el Roshi cambiase de idea, fue una decepción, así como una sorpresa, conocer sus motivos.” “¿Cómo voy a saber que, de improviso, no cambiarían las cosas y que no iría a quedar exhibido otra vez?” “Estoy inquieto por nuestro zazenkai. Estoy lleno de dudas, aunque presento una cara alegre y me esmero en alentar a los miembros. Yasutani Roshi lo dijo: sólo somos gente ordinaria. No pasamos de ippan no koji. Si nuestros maestros están ocupados en el desarrollo de uno o dos sucesores, a los demás, ¿qué nos queda? ¿Verdad que todo lo digo en las reuniones es falso y vano?” “Todos estamos bien. Anne y yo preferimos no pensar en la calamidad que nos azotó. [Editado] no pudo conservar su empleo; continúa con nosotros y no ha sido necesario que regrese al hospital. Está llevando unas cuantas clases de arte y música.” |
127 |
![]() ![]() 19641219_Aitken_Shimano.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Shimano. |
“Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) wrote us last month that he would not be coming to Hawaii” “He says he will not come because his first loyalty is to you as his disciple, and that you have decided not to return to Hawaii.” |
128 |
12/19/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Shimano |
“El mes pasado Yasutani Roshi nos escribió para informarnos que no va a venir a Hawái.” “Me dice que no va a venir porque su lealtad primaria es hacia ti, en tanto que discípulo suyo, y que tú decidiste no regresar aquí.” |
129 |
![]() ![]() 19641219_Aitken_Yasutani.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Haku'un Yasutani. |
“We half-expected your decision to change your mind. We knew it would be unsafe for me to go to Japan last August, but I went anyway.” “To us ordinary laymen, right behavior seemed, and still does seem, more important than Zen. It seems to us that if the means is wrong, then the end cannot be right. If we have sacrificed your good will and the good will of people all over the United States who contributed to the Pupukea project, at least we did it on a sound moral basis, and we have no regrets.” |
130 |
12/19/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Haku’un Yasutani |
“Ya teníamos idea de que planeaba usted cambiar de parecer. Sabíamos que era peligroso para mí ir a Japón en agosto pasado, pero aun así, fui.” “Para nosotros, la gente ordinaria, más importante que el Zen ha sido, y es, la correcta conducta. Es nuestro parecer que si los medios no son los correctos, los fines tampoco lo serán. Si hemos sacrificado la buena voluntad de usted y la de mucha gente de los Estados Unidos que ha contribuido para el proyecto de Pupukea, lo hicimos con una sólida base moral y no nos arrepentimos.” |
131 |
19641224_Aitken_Fischman.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Iver Fischman. |
“I have learned from Bernard Phillips that you will be sponsoring Tai San, [Shimano 嶋野 ] now that he has resigned his position as resident monk of Koko An (此処庵).” “We would like to be able to show that Tai San (嶋野) has transferred to another group, and that our new monk will take his place.” |
132 |
12/24/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Iver Fishman |
“Por Bernard Philips, me he enterado que van a patrocinar a Tai San [Shimano 嶋野 ] ahora que ha renunciado al puesto de monje residente de Koko An (此処庵) .” “Nos gustaría ser capaces de demostrar que Tai San [ 嶋野 ] fue transferido a otro grupo y que sería reemplazado por ese nuevo monje.” |
133 |
19641224_Aitken_Sekida.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Mr. Sekida. |
“Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) has written to us about your plan to come to Koko An (此処庵) to work with us. We are very much interested in this idea, and wish to explore it with you. If we reach an agreement on plans, then we will be glad to make visa arrangements for you, to buy your ticket, and to set you up here with room and meals, either in Koko An (此処庵) or separately, whichever seems best.” |
134 |
12/24/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken al señor Sekida. |
“Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) me ha escrito para informarme de los planes de usted de venir a Koko An a trabajar con nosotros. Nos interesa mucho la idea y quisiera examinarla con usted." "De alcanzar un arreglo respecto a los planes, nosotros nos encargamos de la visa, de comprar su boleto y de alojarlo, alimentos incluidos, ya sea en Koko An (此処庵) o por separado, lo que sea más conveniente.” |
135 |
![]() ![]() 19641224_Phillips_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Bernard Phillips to Robert Aitken. |
"What (the hell) is going on? I haven’t heard from the N.Y. group all fall, but this week got a note from Mary Bernhart which said; 'Iver and I rented an apartment for Tai [Shimano 嶋野 ] for 6 months until Roshi (中川 宋淵) arrives; before June we will have to locate something larger.' ” |
136 |
12/24/64 |
Carta manuscrita de Bernard Phillips a Robert Aitken |
“¿Qué (carajos) pasa? Todo el otoño me han hablado del grupo de Nueva York, pero esta semana recibí una nota de Mary Bernhart que decía: “Iver y yo rentamos un departamento para Tai [Shimano 嶋野 ] por seis meses, hasta que llegue el Roshi (中川 宋淵) ; antes de junio tendremos que encontrar algo más amplio.” |
137 |
19641227_Aitken_Phillips.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Bernard Phillips. |
“We appreciated the news about Tai San [Shimano 嶋野 ]. We had not known who his new suc – excuse me – supporters would be, and we wanted to reach them in order to request a letter acknowledging transfer of sponsorship, so that matters can be tidied up with the immigration people.” |
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12/27/64 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Bernard Phillips. |
“Gracias por las noticias de Tai San. No sabíamos con certeza quiénes iban a ser sus nuevos suce -¡perdón!- patrocinadores y queríamos comunicarnos con ellos para conseguir una carta de reconocimiento de la transferencia del patrocinio para poder arreglar todo con la gente de Inmigración.” |
139 | 12/31/64 | VIDEO |
Shimano Arrives in New York City Allegedly With One Suitcase and Five Dollars. | Video produced circa 2001.
(See entry of 08/28/60) |
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![]() 19650000R_XxxxxxxxXxxx.pdf |
Drawing Made by One of the Two Women Hospitalized in Hawai'i Who Reported Shimano Sexual Misconduct. |
REDACTED The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document. The drawing has been described as "disturbing." |
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00/00/65 |
Dibujo hecho por una de las dos mujeres hospitalizadas en Hawái que reportaron los abusos sexuales de Shimano |
EDITADO El dibujo ha sido calificado de “perturbador” |
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19650000_Zazen_Schedule_ZSS.pdf |
Schedule ZSS. |
1965 ZSS Zazen Schedule. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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00/00/65 |
Horario de la SEZ |
Horario de Zazen de la SEZ en 1965. |
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19650101_Aitken_Yasutani.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Haku'un Yasutani. |
“it is quite clear to me from Tai San’s [Shimano's 嶋野 ] remarks to me that he intends to arrange the June 1965 sesshin in Honolulu with Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) somewhere other than at Koko An (此処庵). He said, ‘of course, you and Anne would be welcome to attend.’ And of course we would attend, wherever it was held.” “We learn from Seika San that she is moving to Thailand, following the difficulties of her stay at Kokuseiji (こくせいじ), and her falling out with Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ). She wrote us that she lost faith in Yasutani Roshi after the things he said about us in Hawaii. I don’t know what she meant by this. I really don’t care what anybody says about Anne or me, but for the sake of American Dharma, I hope he is using a little discretion.” |
145 |
01/01/65 |
Carta de Robert Aitken a Haku’un Yasutani |
“…a todas luces, de los comentarios de Tai San [Shimano's 嶋野 ] , me resulta evidente él procura que el sesshin de junio de 1965, con Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ), se realice en otro lugar. Dijo: “Por supuesto que tú y Anne serían bien recibidos.” Y claro que asistiríamos, sin importar dónde sea celebrado.” “Por Seiko San supimos que ella se muda a Tailandia, tras las dificultades de su estadía en Kokuseiji (こくせいじ), y su caída de gracia con Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) . Me dijo que perdió la fe en él tras escuchar lo que dijo de quienes estamos en Hawái; ignoro a qué se refiera. De verdad no me importa lo que pueda decirse de Anne y de mí, pero por el bien del Dharma norteamericano, espero que él vaya a conducirse con un poco de discreción. |
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19650101_Fukimodo_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Kinichi Fukimodo to Robert Aitken. |
“And I much appreciate your kindness, when I stayed at your house. But I was also very sad, the fact that you are getting into a dispute with Tai San [Shimano 嶋野] at that time.” |
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01/01/65 |
Carta manuscrita de Kinichi Fukimoto a Robert Aitken |
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19650102_Shimano_Aitken.pdf |
Handwritten Letter from Shimano to Robert Aitken. |
“As I wanted to do everything very legally, I explained to him all the situations of my coming to N.Y. According to the Immigration law, what I have to do is only reporting my address both new and old, to the Dept. of Justice.” |
149 |
01/02/65 |
Carta manuscrita de Shimano a Robert Aitken |
“Como quería realizar todo de acuerdo a la ley, le expliqué todas las circunstancias de mi viaje a N.Y. Según la ley de Inmigración, sólo tengo que reportar mis dos direcciones, la actual y la anterior, al Departamento de Justicia.” |
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![]() ![]() 19650104_Aitken_Shimano.pdf |
Letter from Robert Aitken to Shimano. |
“First of all, I have written to Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ), urging him to hold his June, 1965 sesshin in Honolulu at Koko An (此処庵). I pointed out to him that while members come and go here, a number of old-timers are continuing to attend, and that it would be too bad to split the Sangha by holding the sesshin at some new place. I suggested to him that if Sekida San [Katsuki Sekida] were not here by then, that perhaps you or Kubota San or someone else of his choice could serve as translator.” “The second matter has to do with your visa. As you will recall, when I applied for visas for Yasutani Roshi (安谷 白雲 ) and Satomi San, the immigration people asked me why Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) could not lead our small membership alone, and I had difficulty in explaining the distinction of responsibilities. Now, if I begin visa proceedings for Sekida San [Katsuki Sekida], I will want to be sure that it is understood that you have transferred to another group. Unless I can prove that transfer, I am sure that I will get nowhere, and there will be problems arising from the fact that five months have passed since your resignation and no notification has been made.” |