The Shimano Archive
嶋野 栄道 老師 アーカイブ

Eido Roku™ - 栄道錄
The sayings and doings of Eido Shimano – 島野栄道の言葉と行動

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Zen Studies Society Newsletter Sub-Archive

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(An alternate version of the minutes.)

Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"In his opening remarks Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) apologized for causing sadness and confusioin and explained the philosophical differences between him and Denis Kelly."

"Ed Glassing read a statement from the Dai Bosatsu Zendo Executive Committee (copy attached). Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) declined a request that he undergo counselling. Glassing and Fran Perriello were asked to draw up guidelines for behavior in conjunction with attorney Robert Greene."

"Vasken Kalayjian was asked to investigate indemnity insurance and report to the board."

The alternate version of these minutes contains significant material not included in the apparently "official" version.



Japanese Translation

ZSS 委員議事


栄道老師はこの会議の議長としてバーナードスピッツを指名しましたが、その前に2~3表明すべき事があり、又会議終了後に再び表明するであろうと述べました。 彼は皆を悲しみと混乱に落とし入れる原因を作った事を謝罪したい、しかし、この一件が禅スタデイソサイエテイの転換点となってくれるよう希望するとのべました。

彼は、デニスケリーが、LSD を使用するという事実に不同意であるということ以外は彼と好もしい関係にあると述べました。彼はサンムーンコッテイジ(日月庵)で、LSD が使用された事は聞いているのですが、売買が行われた事については、全く知らなかったそうです。金風接心の後、彼とケリーとは長い間話し合いましたが、その会話の中でケリーは栄道老師の方法は時間がかかりすぎる、アメリカの方法は、これは LSD を使用する方法なのですが、此の方が早く、効率的であると言いました。 しかし此の時ケリーは以後, LSD は使用しないと約束しました。二人の一番大きな違いは哲学的なものです。彼はここで会議をバーナードスピッツに渡しました。




Letter from Richard Rudin to Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx (Survivor's Fiance).

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"I thank you for sharing your insights and I appreciate your gesture of good will in reconsidering your action. Likewise, we will proceed as judiciously as we possibly can. On behalf of the Board of Trustees. I wish you both every success in your spiritual evolution and may you actualize your every aspiration and be fulfilled."




An Open Letter Circulated by The Network of Western Buddhist Teachers.

Tricycle Magazine, Fall 1993.

The result of a meeting of twenty-two Western Dharma Teachers (including Junpo (巡法) Denis Kelly) with His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

"Particular concern was expressed about unethical conduct among teachers."




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

“Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) informed the board that he had met with Lee Milton. He was willing to come to DBZ as Eido Roshi's (嶋野 栄道) assistant. He would be head monk, but not Vice Abbot as he was not a dharma heir. He could also function as interim teacher in Eido Roshi's (嶋野 栄道) absence.”

“Seigan Ed Glassing, in addition to being Director of Dai Bosatsu Zendo, would be Treasurer as Tashi [Baylor] intended to depart in May.” 

“Vasken Kalayjian suggested that a mission statement be drawn up describing the direction Dai Bosatsu Zendo should take. Ed Glassing said that Dai Bosatsu should build on the direction it was going prior to Denis Kelly's departure and it met with general approval.”

“It was decided to draw up a contract, spelling out Lee Milton's duties, and clearly stating what the board expected him to accomplish. It would be a one year renewable contract.”

 “The Board asked Bernard Spitz to inform Lee Milton that he would be accepted at DBZ, that contract details were being worked out and that he should sign the contract prior to going to Dai Bosatsu Zendo.”

“After some discussion it was decided to condense the proposed guidelines and to submit them again at the next meeting.”




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

 “The Secretary informed the board of [redacted]’s decision to take a leave of absence from the Board and from the Zen Studies Society until further notice.”

“It was unanimously agreed to work with Buck Consultants in setting up retirement plans for Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) and Yasuko Shimano, as well as for monks and nuns. Their fee of $2,000 would be equally divided between the Zen Studies Society Endowment Fund, New York Zendo and Dai Bosatsu Zendo.”

 “Buchbinder, Tunick & Co. was accepted as accounting firm by unanimous vote. They recommended an audit for 1992, a review of 1991 finances and setting up a system for 1993. The total cost would again be equally divided between ZSS, DBZ and NYZ.”

 “It was decided not to offer a contract to Mr. Milton, but that he and Karen Matsumoto could participate in kesaei at no cost, living in the main monastery building. No refund of moving expenses would be expected. Mr. Milton declined the offer.” 

“After a tied vote on accepting the proposed guidelines in the form presented to the meeting, it was decided that Wilkie Pretocius join the Guidelines Committee, the vote be moved to the next board meeting, and that other board members submit their input on the matter to Fran Perriello.”




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

“A proposed version of Ethical Conduct Guidelines of the Zen Studies Society was presented to the Board and after a short discussion it was decided to add the following paragraph to the final version: "In the event anyone is concerned about a violation of these guidelines, they should notify a member of the Executive Committee of the appropriate Zendo.”

 “It was decided that the guidelines be used as follows: Printed in the Newsletter At DBZ: Posted on notice board, given to kessei students, residents, sesshin participants, workshop participants. At NYZ: Posted on notice board, given to all new members.”

 “It was decided that the Executive Committees of New York Zendo and Dai Bosatsu Zendo meet to draw up a proposal for fund raising and expansion of dharma activities.”

 “.. the accountants were working with NYZ and DBZ and will submit their report soon.”

 “Buck Consultants was waiting for the report from the auditors before starting their work.”

“It was unanimously decided to invite a representative from Dai Bosatsu Zendo to the Zen Studies Society Board of Directors. This person will be in addition to the ex officio representative. Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) was given the task to select the person and submit the name to the Board for final approval.”




The Newsletter of the Zen Studies Society Summer 1993.

Roko-san Sherry Chayat is acknowledged as a Dharma teacher by Shimano.


In an unprecedented ceremony held December 8, 1992, at Dai Bosatsu Zendo, three women were acknowledged as new Dharma teachers by Eido Shimano Roshi.  They are: Aiho-san Yasuko Shimano; Roko-san Sherry Chayat; and Agetsu-san Agatha Wydler-Haduch.  They were each presented with gold brocade rakusus as symbols of their new position.”


We are pleased to announce that on September 12, 1993 Fujin Attale Formhals will receive full ordination as a Rinzai Zen nun.  Fujin has been a student at Dai Bosatsu Zendo for two years and took Jukai November of 1992.  She is an accomplished flutist, playing in several orchestras and tutoring students both in France and America.”




The Newsletter of the Zen Studies Society Summer 1993.

Page 15

"Guidelines of The Zen Studies Society."

A set of ethical guidelines covering the behavior of teachers, clergy, residents, students and visitors.

“The Buddhist Precepts are a fundamental part of Zen Buddhist practice. They help create a safe and supportive environment for all. It is each person's responsibility to follow and honor the tradition.”


• Honor life, don't kill.

• Respect others property.

• Do not abuse sexuality.

• Honor honesty and truth.

• Do not abuse drugs and intoxicants.

• Remember that silence is precious.

• Do not judge others.

• Be tolerant.

• Be peaceful and calm.

• Esteem the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.”

 “Based upon these Precepts the following behaviors are not permissible at both Dai Bosatsu Zendo and New York Zendo for any teacher, guest lecturer, other religious, kessei student, sesshin and/or workshop attendee, sangha member or visitor:

Failure to conform to zendo/monastery rules.

 Any willful taking, removal or damaging of any property or funds of the Zen Studies Society without explicit permission.

Withholding or failing to correctly report all income generated by the Zen Studies Society on budget ledgers, monthly summary reports or tax filings, where applicable.

Threatening, abusive or obscene behavior.

Disrespectful or preferential treatment towards anyone on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical disability, income or national origin.

Willfully causing injury, to any person. 

Hunting and/or fishing (applicable to Dai Bosatsu.) 

Any type of illegal drug use, possession or sale. 

Consumption of alcohol unless served at an officially sponsored event. 

Using and/or driving any motor vehicle or water craft on the premises under the influence of drugs or alcohol (applicable to Dai Bosatsu.) 

Possession of any firearms or other weapons.

Misrepresenting personal information requested for kessei, sesshin and for workshop admission. 

Engaging in any type of unlawful activity. 

Sexual advances and/or liaisons between teachers, guest lecturers or other religious and any kessei student, sesshin and/or workshop attendee, sangha member or visitor. 

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Directors including but not limited to discharge, probation without pay, leave of absence without pay, or expulsion with the loss of all deposits and fees paid. 

In the event anyone is concerned about a violation of these guidelines they should notify a member of the executive committee at the appropriate zendos.”

This list appeared in the Summer 1993 issue of:
The Newsletter of The Zen Studies Society.

(See entry of 06/00/10 )




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

“Jeff Green of Buchbinder, Tunick & Co., read a draft of their evaluation of the internal accounting system of the Zen Studies Society together with their recommendations. Mr. Green will submit copies of the final report to Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) for distribution to the board.”

“In reponse to a request from the Board for the Executive Committees of New York Zendo and Dai Bosatsu Zendo to meet, Vasken Kalayjian asked Chris Wolf to talk to the Board.  He recommended investigating the possibility of a unified membership and of unified fund raising for the two Zendos under the umbrella of the Zen Studies Society, Inc.”

“Vasken Kalayjian read the contract as drawn up by the Committee in conjunction with legal counsel Robert Greene. It was decided to accept the contracts for both Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) and Yasuko Shimano, incorporating changes discussed at the meeting.”

“It was decided to submit copies of the final [pension plan] contracts to Richard Beck at Buck Consultants to start work on pension plans as proposed previously.”

 “The Board accepted Eido Roshi’s (嶋野 栄道) proposal of Susan Morningstar as additional DBZ representative, with the condition that she be on the board only as long as she stays at DBZ.”

“Following a proposal by Vasken Kalayjian that the Society investigates the feasibility of hiring a business manager (working title) to manage the administrative affairs of the organization.”

“The ad hoc committee would consist of Vasken Kalayjian as Chairman, and John Brady and Yasuko Shimano (嶋野) as members.”

“Bernard Spitz proposed that a Committee be formed to examine unified membership and unified fund raising, and that the Committee make a formal report at the next board meeting for approval.”




A Letter to the Board from the Leader of a Group that Formerly Sent Members to DBZ for Training.

The name of a survivor's group has been redacted from this document.

“As a result of intensive dialogue with Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道), I am conveying a message of MUTUAL agreement that the [members of our group] who have been to Dai Bosatsu Zendo or those thinking to do so, do NOT return there for spiritual retreat.”

“This decision is based on current irreconcilable differences and perceived hurt feelings between Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道), the Sangha of Zen Studies Society, and the [members of our group].  [We] hold the view of deep examination into our daily lives, the honesty out of which we live, and the effect, therefore, that we have on our families, friends, community, and world environment. Through experience, we disagree with Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) and Zen Studies Sangha as to the manner in which this aspiration is maintained and held in the Spirit of Transformation.” 

“We recognize the great benefit of Dai Bosatsu Zendo to our Work and the offering that it continues to make. We hold it for the value that it has been for us and can now look to other situations to further Intensive meditative discipline. It is not without sorrow for many of us that this is the case. However, the learning and clarification moves us more deeply into the devotion of deep Transformational Work maintaining pristine Integrity.”




Letter from a Former DBZ Student to ZSS Board of Directors.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

A direct first person account detailing alleged experiences of sexual improprieties in dokusan (private interview - 独参) with Shimano (嶋野 栄道).

"he progressed from hugging and kissing to touching my breasts."

"He looked directly into my eyes and said, 'Don't wait too long.' "

"At the end of 'Dokusan' ( 独参) he would make a date with me to visit him in his quarters that night where we would have sexual intercourse."

"During three different occasions I expressed my concern to him that I was deceiving my dear friends, [redacted] and [redacted], and my fiance, [redacted]. I told him that I wanted to tell them because I did not feel right about keeping a deliberate secret of this magnitude. He [Shimano 嶋野 栄道] said, 'Lie.' I was literally sick after he said this. I felt poisoned."

(See entry of 10/21/82 )



Japanese Translation










German Translation

Brief von einer ehemaligen Schülerin an den Vorstand des ZSS

Der Name und die persönliche Information eines Opfers sind in diesem Dokument geschwärzt worden.

Eine direkte Zeugenaussage, die angebliche sexuelle Ungehörigkeiten während des Dokusans (Privatgespräch) mit Shimano beschreibt.

"er ging weiter vom Umarmen und Küssen bis zur Berührung meiner Brüste"

"Er schaute mir direkt in die Augen und sagte, „warte nicht allzu lange.‟"

"Am Ende des „Dokusans‟ machte er mit mir einen Termin, wann ich in der Nacht zu ihm in sein Quartier kommen sollte, wo wir Geschlechtsverkehr hatten."

"Bei drei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten habe ich ihm meine Besorgnis darüber ausgedrückt, dass ich meine guten Freunde, [geschwärzt] und [geschwärzt], und meinen Verlobten, [geschwärzt], täusche. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass ich es ihnen erzählen wollte, weil es mir nicht wohl war, bewußt ein Geheimnis dieser Größenordnung zu hüten. Er sagte: „lüg‟. Mir wurde wortwörtlich schlecht, als er das sagte. Ich fühlte mich wie vergiftet."

(s. Eintrag vom 21.10.82)




Note and Attached Documents from Xxxxx to Daichi Vasken Kalayjian.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"You have been a bright light throughout this entire sordid affair."

(See entry of 09/29/93)




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"Ms. [redacted] announced that she had sent letters of resignation to the President and Secretary of the Society, but wished to withdraw her resignation."




Letter of Resignation from a Board Member/Survivor to the ZSS Board.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"Effective immediately, I resign as a member of the Board of Directors of the Zen Studies Society."




Letter from Hozo Wilkie Pertorius to a Board Survivor.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

Acknowledgement off receipt of letter of resignation by a survivor from the Board of Directors.




Letter from Shimano to Jiro Fernando Afable.

"This is to confirm our telephone conversation earlier today and express my pleasure in formally appointing you as a Member of the Board of Directors of the Zen Studies Society, effective immediately."




An unsigned Document by a ZSS Board Member: Notes Made Talking with Fiancé of Survivor.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"This incident has the potential to bring down the Zen Studies Society completely and if the issue is not addressed, [redacted] has the potential to bring it all out and destroy it."

"He [fiancé of survivor] knows about people making contributions to Roshi [Shimano 嶋野 栄道]. Letters would go out from DBZ acknowledging it. The monies never appear in DBZ accounts, but are placed into Roshi's (嶋野 栄道) own account."

"Roshi (老師) has to get off his pedestal of divinity."




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting. 8index.html

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document. 

“Ms. Xxxxxxxx was asked to leave the meeting, but refused on the grounds that the bylaws provided a grace period of two months for a resignation to take effect.”

“Pretorius then read a letter from Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) addressed to Andy Afable, inviting him to join the board of directors under special privileges granted him under Article 111, Section 2 of the bylaws.” 

“Vasken Kalayjian left the room and did not return again.” 

“A motion was passed to remove Mr. Kalayjian as a director of the Zen Studies Society.” 

“Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) requested that the matter of employment contracts for him and Mrs. Shimano (嶋野) be postponed until the annual meeting of 1994.”

“Proposal for a new Statement regarding Teacher/Student Relationships.” 

“It has become clear that sexual relations between teacher and students often result in confusion, psychological and spiritual damage to the student and causes harm to the general Sangha as well.”

“Therefore, it is the position of the Zen Studies Society that sexual relations between teacher and student are not permissible. A teacher in the Zen Studies Society is defined as one who conducts dokusan with students or one to one private interviews.”

“Transgressions will be dealt with openly by the Board of the Zen Studies Society or a committee that is formed by them, on a case by case basis. Possible actions by the Board can include counseling, psychotherapy, public statement or apology, or others. It should be clear that repeated offenses will result in a request for the teacher's resignation.”

“A teacher in a spiritual tradition must be held accountable in regards to the highest standards of behavior. Because they have accepted the position of a so-called spiritual leader in a so-called spiritual organization it is their duty and obligation to uphold the highest degree of professional ethics, respect, honesty, and self restraint in relation to a student. Because a Zen teacher is no more a human being then anyone else they must also abide by the same guidelines appropriate to any other relationship in the ‘helping’ professions which deals with human interaction, example: doctor-patient, therapist-client, lawyer-client.”




Letter from Hozo Wilkie Pertorius to Daichi Vasken Kalayjian.

“This is to inform you that at the Zen Studies Society Board of Directors meeting on September 28th, a motion was passed at 6:50 P.M. to remove you, pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the Bylaws, as a Director of the Zen Studies Society, effective immediately.”

 “As for all documents, papers, photographs, etc., in your possession, obtained by virtue of your position as a Director of the Zen Studies Society, or by virtue of representing yourself as a representative of the Zen Studies Society, they are the property of the Society and must be returned promptly.”




Letter from Eshin Brenda Lukeman, aka Dr. Brenda Shoshanna, to "Dear Kuon and Sangha."

“Due to previous commitments for the week-end of October 22nd, and also due to many mixed feelings, I cannot be at DBZ in person to join you.”

“I want to make it very clear that I have the deepest love, respect and gratitude both for Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) and for Aiho (愛法).”

“As a long term student of Eido Roshi's (嶋野 栄道), I have dwelled with this situation for quite a long while now.  In the beginning I was filled with pain, sorrow, blame, and fear. All of my precious illusions about my teacher had been taken from me.” 

“Unless a 'zen master' is surrounded by peers, by other and a lineage through which he is constantly refreshed and to which he is constantly accountable, I feel there is great danger in this system in this day and age.”

“Perhaps it is time to stop emphasizing ranks, titles, and transmissions. All of these lead straight to 'hero worship', which is destructive for everyone. Like Nyogen Senzaki (千崎如幻) with his metrogarten, (kindergarden of students), let us realize that with some luck, maybe we'll get to first grade by the end of our lives.”




Minutes of the Meeting of Twelve Zen Studies Society Sangha Women Who Met at the DBZ Guesthouse to Consider "The Shimano Problem."

The names and identifying information of survivors have been redacted from this document.

A five page document of the minutes of the women's workshop.

- Many of the women who have been involved with Roshi (老師) have been traumatized by the experience-some for years. Roshi (老師) doesn't seem to have been adversely affected by these relationships but the women have been.

- Roshi (老師) has the reputation of "loving them and leaving them." 

- What is the demarcation between "ignorant" v. "enlightened" behavior?

- Is it possible to surmise the nature of behavior by looking at the end results of a person's actions? 

- Roshi (老師) is a human like everyone else but is being judged by a harsher standard than we are.

- The mass exodus of people in 1967,1975,1979,1982,1986 and 1993 has caused a loss of extremely talented people and very few senior students remain.

- Some of the people who left would like to come back but can't because they do not feel safe and/or can't practice at a ZSS facility as long as teacher/student relationships are allowed to happen. 

- Others feel that so much had happened that they are not sure a reconciliation is possible. 

- People want Roshi (老師) to "stop it!" This wish is framed within the context of compassion and gratitude.

- The scandals have been destructive to the Sangha and to individuals.

- People are dismayed about Roshi's (老師) apparent view that members can easily be replaced and feel he does little to try to heal the wounds that have been created. 

- Telling people to "get out" when they don't agree with him is arrogant and unacceptable. 

- The scandals have hurt everyone-not just women. 

- Roshi’s (老師) advances toward women are indicative of emotional immaturity, thoughtlessness, and insecurity. 

- Roshi (老師) has a compulsive addiction that needs to be cured. 

- Perhaps Roshi (老師) displayed affection towards certain women because he felt they needed some warmth and or kindness in their lives.

- Roshi (老師) is an excellent koan teacher but he is not strong on the Precepts. 

- Roshi’s (老師) behavior and lifestyle do not epitomize that of a Buddhist priest.

- The Dalai Lama is a teacher many consider a very "moral," compassionate person. Some felt it was easier for him than Roshi (老師) to stick to the Precepts because he is constantly surrounded by monks and nuns (ie; he never has the opportunity to get in trouble)-and Roshi (老師) isn't. 

- In Japan the women monks are not allowed to many-the males are. Any fraternizing between the sexes is monitored carefully by the jisha.

- Roshi (老師) is a lonely person and his whole lifestyle (ie; traveling constantly etc.) is very hard on him.

- One can be enlightened yet not actualize certain behavior.

- Students (especially new ones) are vulnerable-many view a Zen master as a "godlike" being who would never consciously hurt anyone. They trust such an individual implicitly.

- Zen is loaded with exotic cultural trappings. This creates a great deal of confusion, especially among newer students, because they may not know what is "appropriate" within the context of the practice. 

- All of the ritual etc. used in Zen causes a further separation of the teacher from his/her students.

- Roshi (老師) is isolated from his students and has too much power. 

-Roshi (老師) and Aiho-san [Yasuko Shimano] do not want students to talk to each other. They want a "veil of secrecy" to surround everything.

- The Japanese model can be used as a vehicle to abuse power by an "unscrupulous” teacher. Dokusan is an example.

- Roshi (老師) and Aiho-san (愛法) [Yasuko Shimano] consider public discussions of the student-teacher issue as a loss of face.

- Japanese culture has a tremendous impact on the practice. American students consider this a problem but Roshi (老師) and Aiho-san (愛法) don't.

- Americans are very forthright and expect total disclosure of all facts-the Japanese are more subtle.

- Sometimes Roshi (老師) feels victimized too. The whole Zen master mystique may be an attractant to some women. Some women do throw themselves at him.

- Even if a women does try to initiate a liaison, it is still Roshi's (老師) responsibility to not allow it to happen.

- No one is aware of any instances where Roshi (老師) propositioned a women-was turned down and then refused to continue being her teacher.

- The student-teacher issue is just symptomatic of deeper problems. 

- Roshi (老師) won't change his behavior to correct the problem. He refuses to take responsibility for his actions.

- Roshi (老師) doesn't perceive himself as having a problem.

- There is a need to abandon idealism.

- Teaching comes in amazing forms. Some have learned more from Roshi's (老師) mistakes than his triumphs.

- Regardless of what has happened some people still consider Roshi (老師) their teacher.

- Roshi (老師) has engaged in other behavioral patterns such as deception which have also caused tremendous hurt and pain.

- Roshi (老師) has the reputation of being untrustworthy and manipulative. This has also been a "turn off" for some people.

- Roshi (老師) has not been a leader. He refused to prevent Junpo (巡法) from engaging in certain types of unacceptable behavior.

- Junpo’s [Junpo (巡法) Denis Kelly's] behavior and his being made a Dharma heir caused a lot of people to become disillusioned and angry. Many people didn't want to come back to DBZ as a result. Some people left the Sangha permanently.

- Junpo (巡法) also propositioned women but he was more open about it then Roshi (老師) was. 

- The Zen Studies Society has no long-term viability.

- American Zen has a horrible reputation because of sex, drug and money scandals.

- Zen is very patriarchal-all of the real power rests with men. Women are not treated as equals and are under-represented in the power hierarchy.

- Roshi (老師) does not treat women differently from men.

- Student-teacher liaison incidents would be less common if there were more women Roshis (老師). 

- There has been the illusion that silence would make everything alright.

- The Ethical Conduct Guidelines enacted by the Board were the best thing that's happened to the organization in a long time.

- These Guidelines should be read as part of sesshin cautions at both DBZ and Shobo-ji.

- The Board needs to be more proactive. The Board has not stood up to Roshi (老師) enough.

- The Board has been very active this year and the Directors do care about how the Sangha feels.

- Soen Roshi (中川 宋淵) felt there were problems with Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) but even he couldn't affect any change in his behavior. 

- Some American Zen teachers have had problems with Roshi's (老師) behavior but they are really spread thin and there is not a well organized network to speak out against what has happened.

- Add more teachers so that Roshi (老師) is not the only person who trains students.

- Have sesshins with Roshi (老師) not present.

- The Bylaws should be changed to make the Zen Studies Society more democratic. It is currently an autocratic organization where no one has any say in what happens.

- Don't throw everything out to correct a few problems. Try to affect change within the framework of what you already have.

- Women who come to a Zen Studies Society facility should be warned in advance about Roshi (老師).

- Roshi (老師) has to be willing to learn from his students. He refuses to "grow."

- Suggesting any reform/improvement could be interpreted by Roshi (老師) as a lack of gratitude and/or trying to remove his power.

- There is a problem with unenlightened people telling others what to do.

- Roshi (老師) sometimes misjudges people and their motives.

- The argument that there is nothing to judge/no one to judge has been used to justify abusive behavior.

The views/concerns/questions expressed by one or more attendees were:

- Why didn't all of the women at DBZ attend the workshop? Were they afraid of retribution from Roshi and/or Aiho san?

- Some of the people who attended the workshop were asked how they had the courage to come.

- A lot of people have some/a lot of fear of Roshi as well as Aiho-san.

- People have heard Roshi say he wouldn't seduce women students again before and don't believe him anymore. They are afraid he will do it again.

- There is a total lack of trust within the organization that can't be easily cured.

- There is fear that nothing will change within the organization until Roshi retires/leaves.

- There is fear that nothing will come out of this workshop and/or our concerns will not be taken seriously.



Japanese Translation

12名の禅スタデイ ソサイエテイ僧伽の女性達による、宿坊における”嶋野問題”研究会議事録。



—老師と交渉を持った多くの女性達は、この経験により打撃を受け、一部の者はこの状態が何年も続いた。 老師はこのような関係の結果、女性達と異なり無影響のようである。








—人びとは “止めて欲しい!”と老師に切望した。 この望みは、慈悲心と感謝に基礎を置いている

—人びとは “止めて欲しい!”と老師に切望した。 この望みは、慈悲心と感謝に基礎を置いている。



—スキャンダルは全ての人びとを傷つけた — 女だけではない。






—ダライ ラマは、大衆の評価する所、非常に“倫理”を重んじ、慈愛に満ちた師であるという。 彼の場合は老師よりも簡単に戒律を守る事が出来ると一部の人びとは思っている。 なぜならば、彼は常に多くの僧や尼僧に囲まれて暮らしており(と言う事は、彼には悶着を起こす機会が無い)老師にはそれがある。

—日本では、尼僧には結婚が許されておらず、僧には許されている。 男女の交わりは常に侍者によって注意深く観察されている。




—禅には異国文明の罠が多く見られる。 これにより人は混乱に落ち、とくに新参の弟子はこれを経験する。 なぜならば、彼等は修行上、何が“妥当”であり、何がそうでないか分からない。



—老師と愛法さんは弟子達が互いに話し合うことを好まない。 彼らは全てのものに“秘密の被い”を掛けておきたい。

—“破廉恥”な師は地位の乱用のため、日本人の方式を利用する。 独参室はその一例である。


—日本の文化が修行上大いに影響している。 アメリカの弟子達はこれを問題視するが、老師と愛法さんはそう思っていない。

—アメリカ人は率直で全面的に公表する事を好むが — 日本人は微妙である。

—時々老師は自分も被害者であると思っている。 全ての禅マスターに伴う神秘性は、一部の女性にとって魅惑的である。 一部の女性達は彼の前に身を投ずる




—老師は彼の問題を正すために態度を改めようとしない。 彼は彼の行為の責任をとる事を拒絶している。



—教えは驚くべき形態を取る。 時には老師の過ちの方が、彼の功績よりも学ぶ所が大きい。



—老師は人を誤摩化し、信頼を裏切る人物として風評が高い。 このため、一部の人びとは彼から”離れて”行く。

—老師は指導者ではなかった。 巡法のある種の不法行為を止める事を拒絶した。



—禅スタデイ ソサイエテイに長期滞在者はいない。


—禅の世界は全面的に男性によって実権が握られている。 女性は平等に扱われておらず、組織体系の下部に置かれている。






—理事会はもっと行動的であって欲しい。 理事会は老師の前に十分立ち上がっていない。






—バイロウズ条令は、禅スタデイ ソサイエテイを民主的にするために、変更すべきである。現在の条令では余りに独裁的で何か事件が起きても誰も口出し出来ない。

—少々の問題を修正するために、全面的ぶち壊しをする必要は無い。 既にある体制の外殻を効果的に利用すれば良い。

—禅スタデイ ソサイエテイの施設を訪れる全ての女性は予め老師について注意を受けるべきである。

—老師は弟子からも学ぶ意思がなければならない。 老師は成長する事を拒絶している。








A Letter from the Twelve Sangha Women to the ZSS Board of Directors.

The brief letter to the ZSS Board sumerising the women's workshop.

“We met in the spirit of love and gratitude for Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道), our directors, this Practice and our Sangha.”

“The following is an outline of what we discussed:

 The need for annual Sangha meetings open to everyone who has been a practicing student. 

The introduction at DBZ and Shobo-ji of a Big Sister/ Big Brother mentoring program.

 The offering of periodic, leaderless sesshins in the guest house (e.g., same gender).

The inclusion of a Sangha voice in the decision-making process of the Zen Studies Society.

The reading of the ethical conduct guidelines as part of sesshin cautions. 

We discussed issues of trust and accountability.”




A List of the Twelve Sangha Women Attending the Meeting of 10/22/93.

List of the names and addresses of the twelve women taking part in the women's weekend workshop at DBZ.




Letter from Xxxxx (Survivor's Fiance) to ZSS Board of Directors.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"I want the Board to make an announcement in the DBZ Newsletter giving full disclosure of Eido T. Shimano's (嶋野 栄道) sexual activities with his students. Full disclosure meaning a statement that he has used his position, personal and spiritual power, and the sancitiy of the Dokusan room and process to fulfill his sexual needs. That he has counseled his students to lie and deceive about sexual relations with him should they ever be questioned on this subject - even if questioned by their spouses and most intimte and dearest friends."

"In closing I will say that the lack of any official expressions of interest or help from this Board towards us and our difficulties resulting from its Abbot's actions give me cause for great concern. The only two people who showed any compassion and understanding towards us, have been removed from the Board. I ask myself is this Board and Society more interested in protecting images, identities, and assets than in helping to relieve the pain and suffering its Abbot's actions create?"

(See entries of 08/09/93 - 09/29/93 and 12/20/93)



Japanese Translation

XXXXX牲者婚約よりZSS  委員会への手紙


私は委員会が大菩薩禅堂の回覧新聞に、島野タイ栄道の弟子との性交渉を全面的に暴露してほしいのです。 全面的暴露というのは、彼の地位の利用、彼の人間的、霊的力、神聖なるべき独参室について、さらに彼の性欲を満たすに至る過程の説明も含まれます。 彼は弟子に、彼との性関係について嘘をついて騙せと勧告していますが、例えば伴侶から、或はもっとも親密な間柄の友達からの問いがあった場合など、些かの疑問もなかったのでしょうか。この発表は、島野タイ栄道と性関係をもったすべての人々に呼びかけ、思い切って出頭するよう促す事も含まれています。 委員会は、心理的、感情的、霊的に威力も地位もある人間によって蹂躙され、その事実を打ち明けるために申し出てきた犠牲者達のために、なんらかの組織を設けて救いの手を伸べるべきだと思います。最後に、この発表は、師弟の関係が、師の性の渇望、欲望、幻想を満足させるために、利用、誤用へと移動してゆく可能性を含んでいる事について、現在の老師の見解も載せるべきだとおもいます。さらに、彼がいかにして色欲に屈服して、禅仏教徒としての修行戒律に背き、偽善行為に走ったかを説明すべきです。

最後に私が言いたい事は、住持の行為の結果私達が苦難に面しているというこの事実に対して、委員会側はなんら関心を示さず、善処しようという意思がみえないことで、これには懸念を覚えずにはおれません。 委員会のメンバーの中で、私達に同情と理解をもってくれた、只二人の人は、委員会から除名されました。 思うにこの委員会は、住職の行為の結果苦しんでいる人を助ける事よりも、自分のイメージと財産を守る事の方に熱心なのではないでしょうか?




Letter from Berkley I. Freeman (Survivor's Attorney) to ZSS Board of Directors.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"I have been formally retained by Mr. [redacted] of [redacted], [redacted], to represent him with regard to the possible claims arising from the actions of Mr. Eido T. Shimano (嶋野氏) in the recent past. These actions concern the fiduciary relationship established between Mr. [redacted], the Zen Studies Society, and Mr. Shimano (嶋野氏)."




Letter from Robert L. Greene (ZSS attorney) to Berkley I. Freeman.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"Please be advised that in the event that such an action is brought the Society may seek sanctions against your client, yourself, or both. You may or may not be aware that since you went to [redacted] (for which I envy you) provisions to sanction frivolous litigation in New York state courts have been strengthened very substantially."




Letter from Muin Bernard Spitz to Xxxxx (Survivor's Fiance).

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

"First it is clear that you have been in communication with the Society almost exclusively through Mr. Kalayjian. That means that you probably have a very inaccurate view of the doings of the Society over the course of the last year, since, as we have recently become aware Mr. Kalayjian was acting out of a personal agenda very different from that of the Society. He has clearly had extensive communications with you that were not authorized and probably were very contrary to the facts."

"We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you"

"The difficulty is that we cannot meet with you or engage in any meaningful discussion while the threat of a lawsuit hangs over us."




ZSS Board of Directors Terms of Office.

Listing of terms of Board of Directors members.




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

“Wilkie Pretorius read a letter from outgoing President Bernard Spitz stating his wish not to continue as President or Board Member.”

 “Eido Roshi (嶋野 栄道) announced that Susan Morningstar declined to serve as a Board Member and that Andy Afable would represent Dai Bosatsu Zendo in an ex officio capacity. Jean Bankier, Wilkie Pretorius and Richard Rudin were re-elected for another three-year term.”

“The Board unanimously elected Saman Lea Liu as a member of the board of directors and she was invited to join the meeting.” 

“For the Zen Studies Society Endowment Fund, Yasuko Shimano reported a cash balance of $30,333.92, plus a total of $429,033.53 invested by Komura Securites. The combined total for the 1993 financial year was therefore $459,372.45.  For New York Zendo, Mrs. Shimano reported a cash balance of $44,050.63, plus an $11,501.91 investment, for a total of $55,552.54.”

 “Andy Afable reported for Dai Bosatsu Zendo a revenue total of $270,274.95, with an expense total of $268,610.09. Total current assets were $45,716.92 (including checking, savings, merchant).  Mr. Afable also submitted a projected budget for 1994, as required in the Bylaws, for a projected income for 1994 of $293,420.74 and total expenditures of $307,920.00, for a projected deficit of $14,499.27.”

“A proposal submitted by Rev. Shimano (嶋野 栄道) was unanimously accepted.  Eido Shimano’s (嶋野 栄道) annual salary would be $55,200 and that of Mrs. Shimano $30,000.  An annual increase of 3%, based on the 1994 salary was proposed and is subject to review in 1995, with a maximum increase set at 4%.  Additionally, the following living expenses for both would be covered until the departure of the last survivor: monthly maintenance on Apartment 3J at 333 East 69th Street, as well as special assessments levied by the coop board, utilities and telephone, The Zen Studies Society would continue to pay Eido Shimano's life insurance (Connecticut General Life  Insurance Company "'CIGNA").  Dai Bosatsu Zendo would continue to pay medical insurance for both Eido Shimano (嶋野 栄道) and Yasuko Shimano.  In addition, the Board decided that Travel and Entertainment expenses, incurred on behalf of the Zen Studies Society, would be covered or reimbursed upon presentation of proper vouchers and documentation of the nature of expenses.”

“It was decided to discontinue the association with Buchbinder, Tunick, and to accept the offer by Mr. George Hara to act as accountant for the organization for an annual fee of $500.”

“An annual dinner at the Nippon Club, as guests of Dai Bosatsu Zendo.”




Letter from Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx (Survivor's Fiance) to Muin Bernard Spitz.

The name and identifying information of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

“.. we had the realization that using threats and fear was unkind and wrong action from a Buddhist perspective. We also realized that taking legal action against you, even if we prevailed, would only increase the amount of pain and suffering that exists for you, and the planet.  We realized that to hurt another because they hurt us, even though such actions are enticing, compelling, and culturally acceptable would truly not heal our wounds and stop our suffering. Such an action would only create more karma for us to work through. Thus we have decided to drop all legal actions against you and have chosen to put this entire matter behind us.”

“Responding to your statements about our grounds for legal action and potential fines to us, we would like you to know that our attorney and personal friend, Berkley Freeman, has had considerable experience with Breach of Fiduciary Duty by members of the clergy. He was, and still is, extremely confident with our legal position in this matter. He has been a student and disciple of Swami Jyoti for many years. He is also the attorney for Sacred Mountain Ashram, Swami Jyoti's center here in the USA. Over the past two years, Berkley has settled six cases brought against the Ashram as a result of Swami Jyoti's sexual misconduct and breach of fiduciary duty. You can be sure that Berkley knows this area of the law from both the plaintiffs and the defendant's side.”

 “The body of case law on this subject throughout the nation, including New York, is extensive and growing by leaps and bounds these days. Berkley has provided us with considerable legal research and material on Breach of Fiduciary Duty. We would like to assure you that your legal position is extremely weak and you have enormous exposure and liability. Robert Greene's suggestion that this sort of litigation could be viewed as frivolous is either a lawyer's posturing or a gross miscalculation that is not rooted in reality.” 

“It is our sincere hope that by removing the threat of legal, action and potential loss of your assets, image, and reputation you will be better able to help those that have been hurt by Eido's (栄道) actions. Perhaps without legal coercion, you will find your compassion and love and voluntarily take appropriate action both within the Zen Studies Society and with those people that have been directly hurt.”




Excerpt from the Newsletter of The Zen Studies Society
Spring 1994.

Article: Dai Bosatsu Mandala A rememberance of Shubin Kin Tanahashi
By Eido T. Shimano
(嶋野 栄道)

(See Shimano_Story_By_Aitken)




Letter from Reiho Ellen Meyers to ZSS Board of Directors.

Expresses feeling of betrayal, yet still sees good in Shimano.

"There is a saying that 'power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely' (and 'spiritual power corrupts spiritually') I have seen examples of this at D.B.Z. There are no effective controls. There need to be some real controls."




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

“The treasurer's report was a financial statement of the Endowment Fund with a balance on hand, as of May 31, of $405,630.00.”

“The report of the society's general manager for Dai Bosatsu Zendo Monastery in Livingston Manor was a financial statement with a balance on hand, as of May 31, of $43,908.67. Also reported: overall reduction of phone, maintenance, and kitchen expenses in the last six months.”

“The report of the society's director for New York Zendo in Manhattan was a financial statement of the Operating Account with a balance on hand, as of June 7, 1994, of $36,325.44. Monthly financial report of this account is forwarded to the Abbot and the treasurer.”

“It was announced that the treasurer and general manager of DBZ will meet with the Society's accountant, Eddie Hara on June 23 to standardize the Society's bookkeeping system, set up pay roll, and a precedent for alien employment.  A motion was adopted to approve a $65 per hour accounting fee for the work to be done in bringing the society's overall financial affairs up to date, and an annual retainer fee of $500 thereafter, subject to discussion. The motion was adopted.”

“It was reported and noted without comment that Dai Bosatsu Zendo has on occasion sat for one hour and fifteen minutes.”

 “A letter dated June 13, 1994 from Reiho Kido Ellen Meyers of Ilion, NY (copy enclosed), was read which in summary expresses her feelings of betrayal and concern for the vulnerability of women at Dai Bosatsu Zendo, and request for a response, A motion was adopted to respond with courteous acknowledgement and the advisory that the matter has been addressed.”

 “After a report that a fundraising letter for the new Founders' Hall altar will be mailed in about 2-3 weeks.”




Letter from Saman Lea Liu to Reiho Ellen Meyers.

Board response letter.

"Your letter of June 13th addressed to an unspecified member of the Board was read and copied to the Board, and is hereby acknowledged with sincere thanks for your concern. The issues you raised have been, and are being addressed by the Board."




Handwritten Note from Yvonne Rand to Robert Aitken Asking to Meet.

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

Yvonne Rand note - reverse side redacted name and phone number of survivor and notation that a Manhattan District Attorney was contacted.




Letter from Aiho Yasuko Shimano to Seigan Ed Glassing.

"The acknowledgement of your 'One Thousand Days' training is not only your private matter. It is the acknowledgement of a Buddhist monk's training, and thus, it is primarily a monastery matter. It is the occasion which reveals the kind of 'monk' a person has evolved into, and the quality of his/her training is manifest. So, what kind of a 'monk' have you become after 1000 days at Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji?"

"Invitation cards to a mere Thousand Days are an egoistic ostentation which does no honor to a monk, and a slap in the face to the uninvited Sangha, especially the Board, the Director of NYZ, and the ordained of Shobo-ji. Using the monastery for your own purpose, and without permission, is also an arrogance most inappropriate to any monk, not to speak of a novice. Dai Bosatsu Zendo was not built for your personal celebrations."



Japanese Translation

嶋野 やすこ 愛法よりせいがん エド グラッシングへの手紙。

"貴方の“千日”行の承認は、貴方個人の問題ではありません。 これは、仏教徒僧侶の修行の承認であり、主として禅堂の問題です。 これは、僧が得た成果を啓示し、彼の修行の性質を明示するものです。 それで貴方は千日行を終えた結果、どのような僧になったのでしょうか?"

"高が、千日行ぐらいの招待状、我欲の見栄でしかなく、これは僧にとって名誉でも何でもなく、僧伽の、特に招待されなかった理事会のメンバー、NYZの指導者、正法寺の得度を受けている人々の顔に貴方は平手打ちを食わせたようなものだと言えます。  僧堂を、許可無く、貴方自身の目的で使用する事は傲慢であり、如何なる僧であっても僧として成すべき事ではなく、とりわけ、未熟な僧にあっては、格別そう言えます。 大菩薩禅堂は貴方の個人祝賀のために建てられたものではありません。"




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

Financial reports, general manager salary issues, list of officers and Board members.




Minutes of ZSS Board of Directors Meeting.

“The chairman reported both New York Zendo (NYZ) and Dai Bosatsu Zendo (DBZ) Monastery are doing well, and that plans for observing DBZ's 20th Anniversary are in progress and will be presented to the Board in the spring of 1996.”

“The General Manager also reported: 1) sesshins are well-attended; (2) Open Space is booked fall; (3) DBZ is financially on an even keel, but the activities of Open Space is impacting too much on the Monastery, (4) long-term plans for staffing outside programs is needed; (5) the Monastery has reached its limit and there is no room for farther growth. (6) Plans for DBZ include exploration of sources of income to be derived from outside the Monastery; and (7) fund raising drive for roof repairs.”

“John Brady's letter of resignation from the Board was read, as was the Chairman’s response accepting the resignation.”

“Motion was passed to create a nominating Committee, consisting of Eido T Shimano, Aiho Yasuko Shimano, Jean Bankier, and Fran Perriello, for a possible candidate for the Director's position vacated by John Brady.”

“Status report on the ZSS Retirement Fund was presented by Willem Pretorius: Buck Consultants recommended a two-tier retirement plan. A) A retirement plan for those nearing retirement.  B) DBZ’s employees not nearing retirement.”

“A motion was seconded and resolved that the President of the Society was hereby authorized to enter into two separate agreements with Eido T. and Yasuko A. Shimano establishing a pension plan consisting of the following elements.

1. In partial compensation for 30 years of work, at such time as they retire from their duties with the Zen Studies Society, or are otherwise terminated their duties with the ZSS, the Society shallprovide them with the following:

2. The occupancy of the Co-op apartment at 333 East 69th Street until they both shall pass away, or shall notify the Society in writing that they no longer wish to occupy it.

3. Payment of all maintenance, assessments and utilities, including telephones for said apartment.”




The Deferred Compenstion Agreements Between the Zen Studies Society, Inc. and the Shimanos.

1. In consideration for services rendered by the Abbot for more than 20 years, ZSS will provide the following deferred compensation subsequent to the date of his retirement.

2. Occupancy of the co-operative apartment at 333 East 69th Street with Aiho Shimano until they both shall pass away or notify ZSS in writing of that they no longer wish to occupy said co-operative apartment.

3. Payment of all maintenance, assessments and utilities, including telephone for said apartment.

4. Monthly payments in an amount equal to 70% of the Abbot's salary in the year preceding his retirement, plus a 4% annual cost of living adjustment.

5. A Medicare supplemental or other health insurance policy which will provide the Abbot and his spouse comparable health insurance coverage to that provided for other ZSS employees.

6. The premium on a life insurance policy on the Abbot, which names the ZSS as beneficiary shall continue to be paid by ZSS as long as it shall be due.

7. The rights herein are vested as of July 25, 1995 and cannot be abridged without written consent of the Abbot.




Letter from Robert Aitken, Philip Kapleau, Yvonne Rand, Alan Senauke, Jan Chozen Bays, Susan Jion Postal, Helen Yuho Harkaspi, and Bodhin Kjolhede to Richard Rudin, President, ZSS Board of Directors.

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

The unprecedented letter from eight recognized Zen teachers and Rōshis urging the ZSS Board to deal with Shimano.

“Their stories are consistent: trust placed in an apparently wise and compassionate teacher, only to have that trust manipulated in the form of his sexual misconduct and abuse.”

“With report after report of the same depressing story, it is clear to us that our colleague, Shimano Roshi (嶋野 栄道), is not simply one who slips into an occasional love affair. We have no hesitation in judging from first-hand accounts that the quality of these relationships is not loving but exploitative and extremely damaging to his victims.” 

“we sense that it is only a matter of time until he faces his accusers in a court of law.

The most obvious solution to the problem would be Shimano Roshi's (嶋野 栄道) resignation.”

“The situation is grave and calls for action to prevent further harm.”

“Thinking about the women and their families who have been hurt by Shimano Roshi (嶋野 栄道), please consider underwriting the therapy they need.” 

“If we do not hear from you within a reasonable period, we will consider making this an open letter.”



Japanese Translation

ロバート  エイトケン、フィリップ  カプロウ,  イボンヌ  ランド、  アラン  セノウケ、  ジャン  チョーゼン  ベイズ、  スーザン  ジオン  ポストル、  ヘレン  ユホウ  ハーカスピ、  ボデイン  コルヒード  より  ZSS  委員長リチャード  ルデインへの手紙






私達は貴方がなさねばならない仕事を全うなさるため、心より援助させていただきます。 島野老師によって傷つけられた女性や、その家族の苦難を思いやって、必要な治療を保証してあげてください。私達が何よりも願う事は、陵辱の結果苦しんでいる人々、貴方の僧伽、それに島野老師自身、すべての人々が癒されることです。





Letter from Saman Lea Liu to ZSS Board Nominating Committee.

Nomination of new Board Member.




Richard Rudin, President, ZSS Board of Directors to Robert Aitken, et al.

The name of a survivor has been redacted from this document.

Response from The Zen Studies Society to the unprecedented Zen Teachers letter of 08/09/95. The redacted survivor's name is a ZSS Board of Directors member. The letter urges:

"We request that you keep this reply among you signers so as to avoid even further conflicts with the precepts."

The "What's New?" Page: Latest Additions 日本語はここをクリックしてください:
Deutsch, bitte klicken Sie hier:_
Was ist neu? Seite
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